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Gina's Family Photos

Gran Moun Yo
(the older folks)

My Dad made a CD for me of all the pictures he took with his digital camera at my wedding. Apparently, he's been taking a lot of shots with it because these pics were included. I've put them here because... well... it's my folks!

Elsie at Flannagan's Elsie and Mom Tante Ginette, Oncle Emilio, Elsie, and Mom all cut off.
Tante Ginette Mom (Nirva) Tante Ginette relaxing
Uncle Emilio, trying to relax Mom and Tante Ginette Mom and Tante Ginette

Alain posing with his DO...

Personally, I'm not so sure about the Afro Puff... I think I can pull it off because it's a curly afro puff... and I'm a girl. But he likes it... and there was many a "Fashion Statement" (and yeah... I'm using the term LOOSELY) I made in my youth that my parents didn't want me seen leaving the house making. Actually... I think Tara would agree on this one... it was the total lack of a fashion statement that I was making that would bother them. The "I'm homeless" look I think she called it. :-) What can I say? My appearance reflected my self perseption. I was a disaffected youth (to say the least!)

I like the twists best... they look better in the wedding photos on my wedding site... they are coming soon. :-)

Alain Alain
Alain Alain

Questions? Comments? Direct them to me.
This page was last updated on August 23, 2002 .