The History & The Mystery Of Mr. Nuclear

Nuclear Funtime

The History & The Mystery Of Lord Emperor Maxmillian Nuclear

Very little is know about Maxmillian Nuclear before he entered this solar system approximately 21 Earth-cycles ago. What is known is that he came to this Solar system in a ship camouflaged as a meteor. Place of origin is referred to as the "Tenth Dimension". He arrived with three crew members loyal to his cause, (which is yet to be determined). The twins, Victoria and Vulnavia, his MEC advisor Cyclops, and the onboard Bi-Pod, ETTROX. At first it is speculated that Mr. Nuclear was on some sort of scientific or religious quest, but it was later determined that he was out for a joyride.

On initial Earth contact, The Nuclear ship absorbed the radiation from the leak at the Three-Mile-Island facility as fuel, and then settled in the Antarctic to form the Nuclear base under the ice on the floating ice. From there Mr. Nuclear began observing the planet, as he is most curious about everything. The twins are Hunters, female warriors who helped raise the Mr. Nuclear since he was "discovered" by their tribe, in the tenth dimension. Other Hunters soon arrived to look after their charge. Baroness Drusilles Vas Kreatschman, her companion Dancer, The Countessa De Zenta, Lowlitta, Commander Oth, Cleo, and Advisor Dathmallian Raydarka. Each has their own "specialties, and have spread over the Earth to secure a safe haven for their "Charge".

After settling in, Mr. Nuclear began his research on the human condition by adopting the "Bohemian" lifestyle. He moved into the "Home for Wayward Artists", where his appearance in a radiation tuxedo did not draw immediate attention. He learned many things about humans and art with his new friends Mickey Rat, The Colombian Monster, Monica, Pope Braunschweiger, and the Major. Observation was temporarily interrupted by an invasion of the "Mind Gestapo", who were quickly vaporized.

Mr. Nuclear's observations were again interrupted approximately one Earth cycle later by an attack brought upon the Princess by Mr. Small. Mr. Nuclear was forced into inter-dimensional battle with Mr. Small's Nixitron , which was dispatched from a rooftop. Mr. Small was finally forced back into a transmat machine and his particles dispersed across the Universe.

His last documented encounter with other-dimensional forces was when he was tested for his accession to the throne as the Emperor of Madness. In order to accomplish this, he had to pull the ultimate cosmic practical joke. He chose the Ayatollah Kohemeine, one of the most hated people on planet earth at the time. With the help of his friends Cancer man, Julia, and Zippy the Pinhead, he was able to lure the Ayatollah into an embarrassing game show trap that led to the Ayatollah's execution. Upon completion of the test, there was celebration and then Mr. Nuclear's coronation as the "Emperor of Madness"!

With his Hunter's now in secure positions on the globe, Emperor Maxmillian Nuclear has gone into semi-hiding for his latest experiment. The twins, Victoria and Vulnavia, control economic concerns in the East and West hemisphere under the guidance of the Baroness. The Countessa is in charge of spiritual and psychic phenomenon. Commander Oth is handling Earth defenses while Advisor Dathmalian and Cyclops are holding the Antarctic fortress.

Emperor Nuclear has set up a new base for his latest research into human behavior. He has located to a sewer/swamp area on mid-continent America known as Denton. With several beings he has recently made acquaintance with, a band of misfits and outcasts, they give their own twisted spin on real information. The Emperor is isolated in a swamp/sewer system and shows signs of leaning to his berzerko side. In this experiment he uses real human news stories, and allows these eccentrics to interpret them as they see fit. At this point the Emperor Nuclear's only sane contact with the real world is the Infinite One, who handles all transmissions, incoming and outgoing.

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