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Original purpose of website.
Incoming Transmission...

Status: UnderConstruction

Welcome to Weird Mutants, This site started out as a idea me and a friend had that never really came to be, as a result I've been using this space to store my pictures. I finally decided to make this my personal site and allow access to my creations. On your left you will find 6 buttons. The first being "Concept", where I will attempt to concieve the original purpose of the site. Followed by "B/W Pics", where you can see some of my sketches. Next is "Done" where sketches have been taken through the coloring process or just color pics in general. "3D Art" is next on the list, preety self explanitory. "Current" is just to keep a heads up on what I'm working on now. Then theres the ever important "E-Mail", feel free to tell me what you think of the site or to get into contact with me for a project.

Hope you enjoy your visit.

Black and White sketches.
Completed pictures that probably started off as sketches.
3 Dimensional art that I've created.
Current projects that I'm working on now.
Feel free to email me, and tell me what you think of the site.