Dear "KrazyNico,"

On behalf of my client Jason Ludlow Esq. I would like to serve this official court order to you. The reasons for this lawsuit should be painfully obvious even to a public high school graduate.

Be it thus declared:
Seeing as "KrazyNico" is the perpetrator of a heinous website
Further noting that said website, without permission, made reference to my client Jason Ludlow Esq.
Seeing as my client was referred to in no uncertain terms as "Weirdo" and "Freak"
While further noting that several unflattering pictures of said client were included for the underhanded motive of subverting his budding movie career
Finally seeing as certain pictures (hint: "legs") on her website are quite indecent

Be it thus resolved:
Four demands be met,
1. "KrazyNico" be made to shut down her website of horrors (especially those "legs" pictures, quite tasteless I assure you)
2. "KrazyNico" be made to pay Jason Ludlow Esq. $1,000,000 for emotional trauma and lost movie opportunities
3. "KrazyNico" enroll herself in twelve-step programs designed to foster a love of the government and authority in general
4. Random drug tests ('nuff said!)

You will be contacted at a later date of where to send payment. Don't even think about trying to cross us, we have friends in very high places, see what I mean:
"This Nico character is one crazed bitch of a son."
-----George W. Bush
"Oops, I meant she's a vicious holeass."
-----George W. Bush
"Damn I'm stupid, what the Hell is wrong with America?"
-----George W. Bush


Richard Mayweather III