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--Iceman: 'I'm trying to think...' Dr Reyes: 'Don't hurt yourself.'

The Basics

Alright, here's some of the basic facts on Bobby Drake, X-Man and resident comedian. First off, he's 5'8 with brown hair. I think it's currently in a crewcut, but I always liked it better when it was longer, like in the image on the right. That's my favorite pic of him. Know why? I haven't seen any other pics from that issue so I'm not sure, but it looks like he's NAKED. Also, he just looks INCREDIBLY hot for a comic book character made of ice. Okay, sorry, I'm rambling. Again. So anyway, theres a whole lot of controversy on a couple of things about Bobby. First of all, his eyecolor. There's some official Marvel handbook that CLAIMS that Bobby's eyes are brown, but there are a lot of earlier issues in which his eyes are clearly BLUE, and blue seems a lot more fitting. And theres even more controversy on his sexuality. A lot, and I mean a LOT of people say that he's gay. Most of them make up stories about him having some sort of relationship with Remy, of all people. I think it's because in one of the issues, Bobby came home and hugged Hank a lot and went to the bathroom while Gargoyle was bathing, then Bobby took off his clothes and he and Hank went running around the house. Wierd. And people think that since he can't really pull off a relationship with a girl, he MUST be gay. And that is just stupid. It doesn't even deserve an elaboration. It's just plain STUPID.

Bobby's Powers

Okay, now for Bobby's powers. Well, the name pretty much says it all. He makes ice. He can also lower his body temperature, so he's never too hot. And his body can survive extreme cold, which makes it so he can go out in the snow in his underwear-- and he does, on every mission. It also makes him able to turn himself into a living, breathing, walking, pranking block of ice. He's improved upon his abilities enough to create things out of ice, so he can make "ice columns"(a really tall piece of ice) to lift him up to places he can't reach, which is probably a lot of places, considering how short he is. Then, using the ice columns as support, he makes "ice slides"; a ramp that makes it so he can slide around above ground. He can also make little sculptures, which we see an example of in the movie when he makes an ice flower for Rogue, and possibly slushies and snow cones.

Bobby's Girls

Bobby goes through women like Christina Aguilera goes through ugly outfits. And he's usually the dumpee-- poor Bobby. No wonder he's so insecure. :-( Let's see... there was Judy Harmon. He used his powers to save her from some local bullies, and she "thanks" him by being a total pussy and running off screaming that he's too dangerous like the wimpy, ungrateful brat she is. Then there was Lorna Dane, who he found 'cause she had amnesia or something, but she left him for SCOTT'S BROTHER, of all people. And yes, the "whiney, wimpy & boring" gene runs in the Summers family. And there was Cloud, some wierd chick who was naked except for the little white puffs of condensed atmospheric moisture she wore around her hips and breasts, and left Bobby either because she wanted to go be a nebula in deep space or because she was in love with a bald WOMAN and kept switching genders-- I can't remember which. And of course Marge, aka Mirage, some redhead who killed her parents when they told her to go back to Oblivion, then decided to go back to Oblivion and leave Bobby anyway. I think she wanted to go to Oblivion all along, and was just using Bobby as an excuse to kill her parents. What a bitch. Emma Frost was my favorite, though she was never really oficially his girlfriend. And Opal Tanaka was the worst of all-- just a whiney, selfish, ugly bitch with NO fashion sense. None, whatsoever. Go to for more info on Opal.