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I have recently added a sixth option to these polls: The Animated Adventures. I hadn't included it before because it hadn't occurred to me, for the simple reason that I've never had the opportunity to see that series, though I hope to someday. I would have stuck it between Star Trek and The Next Generation, but that would've messed up the votes that are already in, so I'd have to reset the polls to zero, which I don't wanna do, really. So... even though it's the second series to be aired, it's the last option (for now) in the polls.

Forget science, plot, plausibility, continuity, quality, and all that kind of stuff. Which series did you find just plain most fun to watch? You might have no qualms about it, or it might be a guilty pleasure.
Not everyone who comes here (assuming anyone does) will know what this is about. If you don't, then just ignore it.

Now, as to my picks... mostly I'm afraid I'm not capable of choosing! Sorry. But I could tell you a few things... My favorite Trek series is DS9. Best stories/writing, I'd say a toss-up between DS9 and TNG. Most important, TOS of course. Best spirituality, DS9. Favorite rounder, Darkside. Well, that's about all I can think to say for now.

If you want to suggest another poll to include here or have any other questions or comments, you can reach me at

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