How many believe that if a Dominionite..
United Earth
In the TAer Universe...
Posted on 12/12/96 by Moxie

The Anti-Christ arrives in 1996... and the Tarkan race, which some ancient astronauts were supposed to be, revealed themselves from among the Human race... three Tarkans stood out on the fore-front, the Maine TAers... and in this fiction, drove this Anti-Christ, the Zonker King, and both his terrible Human, Demonic and alien allies back into space... from his fortress on the Antarctic continent...

Under these auspices the Human race sought to drive the Tarkans from their midstt after the Great World War of Unification... in which the Tarkans responded simply by leaving... the Maine TAers themselves gained a technological marvel from one Traveller (suspected to be the character Mez'Berris), and sought out their enemy, leaving the squabbling Espere' behind to fight out its religious and diplomatic controversies... which followed into space...

The Humans managed to settle on social differences, and invented new religions as well as kept old doctrines, peace came and various colonies followed... racism broke out in later years, in a bloody civil war that lasted a decade, ended by the potential threat of irate Tarkans and the ancient Zonks...

Mankind would continue to squabble till the latest Pope... Inviticus XXIII excommunicated the entire planet and took a great number of Catholics with him to a colony world Gethsemanie...

The Tarkans dared the evils of space to seek out the ancient homeworld Acroth... which the Maine TAers found first... and several Tarkan colonies sprung up in-between here and that world... where the Humans would be socialized into a larger and messier universe... magic reintroduced, the supernatural and the Alpha Reticulans (the Illons) invading our galaxy, spearheaded by the foul Zonker King, re-born to bring the old Tarkan Empire, which the Tarkans themselves despised as a mockery of their freedom, back to this galaxy...

A fiction... nothing more...
