tek's rating: ½

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (PG-13)
Amblin; IMDb; Paramount; Rotten Tomatoes; TV Tropes; Wikipedia
streaming sites: Amazon; Google Play; iTunes; Vudu; YouTube

This starts in 17,000 B.C., before leaping forward to two years after the first Transformers movie. Sam is now about to start college. Meanwhile, the Autobots are working with a secret U.S. military group called NEST, hunting down Decepticons around the world. The Decepticons manage to revive the previously defeated Megatron, who turns out to be the apprentice of an ancient Decepticon known as "the Fallen." Long ago, in a time forgotten by most Transformers (or at least by the Autobots), their race had gone to different worlds and used a device that could destroy suns and convert their energy to energon, or whatever. But they had a rule against doing that on inhabited worlds, so they weren't going to do it on Earth, but the Fallen wanted to do it anyway. He was stopped by his brothers, but now he's ready to restart the machine. And the Fallen can only be stopped by a Prime, of which Optimus is the last descendant. Unfortunately... um, a little snag comes up with that, which our heroes will have to try to... un-snag.

If I'd had a chance to write my review immediately after watching the movie, I might have said more about the plot, but I was having some trouble with my website, so I had to wait like a day, and now I don't care enough to go into much more detail. Okay, Simmons is more of a good guy this time than he was in the first movie. And there are a couple of annoying twin Autobots for "comic relief." And of course Mikaela is still around being Sam's hot girlfriend, plus there was another hot girl who was not what she seemed. (I should say Mikaela had more to do than just be hot, but... I'm not sure anyone mentioned that to wardrobe.) And Sam's roommate at college got mixed up in everything. And that's all I'll say about the plot. As for my impressions of the movie, I guess it had decent action and special effects and all. And some of it was amusing, but most of the humor seemed just stupid, to me. The actual story was okay, I guess, but the movie was definitely too long. And I can't imagine I'd ever want to see it again. Still, I do want to watch any more sequels in the franchise.

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