Happy Halloween!

Greetings, my name is ektomage, but you can call me ekt. I'm a ghost. (Or I was, for a few years in the early 2000s, but I still get to be one at this time of year.) Welcome to my Halloween page.
Your host, as always, is Repsacton (another ghost), whom you'll find floating around. Now let's get started....

Annual Holiday Journal
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ekt's Halloween subpages
Comics & Funny Pics
Halloween Links
Halloweenish movies & TV series
Sights & Sounds (aka the A/V page; aka Halloween music)

See also
Creepy Kids in Pop Culture
Halloween commercials
Halloween movie reviews
Halloween music reviews
Halloween tins collection
Halloween TV movie reviews
Horror/Supernatural book reviews
Horror TV shows
TV specials
Web specials
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
The One That Won't Slow You Down

Now here's a little song I learned when I was a little kid...

Jack-o-Lantern, Jack-o-Lantern
Big and yellow
Jack-o-Lantern, Jack-o-Lantern
Funny fellow

Shining in the night
With your candle light
Scaring all the witches
With your "Boo! Boo! BooOoOoOoOo!"

check out my other holiday pages:
St. Valentine's Day / St. Patrick's Day / Independence Day / Dave's Birthday / All Hallow's Eve / Christmas, et al.
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