Your guide to Sunday night clubbing.

Well you could go to Opium i guess but if you really insist on subjecting yourself to DKY then this is what you have to look forward to.

This October 26th marks the return of the 90s. This will be our second 90s night (yes it was that long ago) and if the last one is any thing to go by then this should be a night to remember. This is basically just an excuse for the resident DJs (and guest in the form of the lovely Kiera) to play all the stuff they really love but wouldn't get away with on any other night so expect lots of early 90s rave and indie and all those cheesey hits you thought you'd never hear again. Hope to see you all there.

Around the end of November, back by popular demand, we will be holding our fourth Cock Rock night. The date for this is rumoured to be the 30th but the guest DJ is still unconfirmed (as he has moved to Dundee) so this may change.

With our usual xmas and new year parties in December the last few months of this year are looking very promising.

In the meantime we will still be running our regular DKY nights on every Sunday which continue to prove to be highly enjoyable (well we're having fun anyway)

Watch this space for regular updates. (Hopefully more regular than they've been in the past anyway)