Exan War Ship

Camp of Gallare

Friday, June 29,

Vadar of Ramzy
Uginn Istal 579
Kictan war camp of Huynn.

Lord vadar. You are wanted at the pass of gallare imedeitly.
I understand that the call of witch is on short notice may be a further more obligation
for you, but we can't afford to lose this battle You are asked to bring your finnest men,
for re going to be battleing Zorgan. His powers have even further grwon scence the fall of hundulama and we ask that you are hevely garded and if nessesary prepared for what just may be...the worst. If you do not suceed in accompanying us to the pass we will surly be beat, in turn leaveing you men at greater rist of being invaded next. If we unite our colonies then me may just have half a chance at surviving the battle of Gallare. And if we can get Lord Jundynn and his army to accompany us, then maybe even the next upcomming battle of Gynn, witch will be our finnal battle and will diside the fate of our people as we know it.

We suggest you arrive within twenly four hours, so we can be on the move before the
ememy has a chance to find our camp. We are located at 24 hours south due west of
the hicon camp.


Lady Kimberley
(Warrior for the exans)