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My Inner Psyche at It's Best..



I will Forever Love You
By: Glittery Rabbit

Love and Hate is Death in this Mind State.
Sex and Power for the Darkest Hours.
Hours to dream and wander through,
In which I stand here watching you.
You see me in a secret light,
In which my mind takes flight.
About the night in which we live.
I watch you sleep, unrestful it is,
Restless sleep takes my night.
You sit here and watch as I die by dawn's early light.
You watch me, protecting me from all,
As I die the death I wish to all.
The memories you have of love gone wrong,
Is all you see of me this long,
I love you, pathetic how it may seem.
The words are hollow,
Just like my eyes on the Evenings that follow.
You are my masterpiece, My pride and joy,
Death to me your foolish Toy,
I love you, Yes I state it again.
I will love you always my dearest friend,
You love those who hurt you most,
Come to me for the love you seek most.
I will love and carry you through the hard times that follow,
My dearest love take my soul and set it free.
The love you keep locked away is the most I can hope to be mine someday.
Take this poem and heed it true, For though you may hate this I will forever love you.


















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The Cheshire Cat Rocks..Need I Say More?!?!?!?!

Sawa... in love with chocolate.
...considers herself to be out of sync with the world and rather intelligent.
...would hate if i had to give up my cd's.
...thinks that people should be more accepting of other people.
...needs to stop spending all her money.
...believes in the idea that everyone needs to dream a little.
...wants to be the one who gets to live the fairy tale.
...has a very odd personality that usually scares people.
...wishes she could fly.
...forgets that she doen't have all the money in the world.
...hates that her hopes and dreams may never be realized.
...wonders why people as a whole are so fuckin idiotic.
...cares for her friends and associates more than herself.
...has a problem with keeping reality distingushed from fantasy.
...would die if she couldn't use her computer.
...hopes that she won't go crazy anymore than she already is.
...pretends she is strong and capable of all things.
...likes it when people are nice the first time meeting.
...never wants to fall to pieces, literally.
...wants most in the world to have someone who loves her who isn't taken.
...can't wait for the day she can do whatever the hell she wants, whenever the hell she wants and however the hell she wants.