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College, friends, horses and God! What more does a girl need?

about me!

horse life

college life

Prayer List

my fave. links

SNU Rocks my socks! (Most of the time!)

All about Moi!

This is a picture of Jess and I at the Williams Memorial Church of the Nazarene Freaks and Geeks Halloween Ball!

So, I am back at school now and enjoying my classes, but not nessicarily the homework - 100+ pages of reading a night can drive a sane person mad. Especially when it's in 1st century latin converted to 16th century english. LOL! Well, I am really enjoying Dr. Crutcher, he is truly a brilliant theologian!

Flattery aside, I am going to try and update my webpage here tonight and hope that if you actually DO read my page, you'll enjoy it!

Anywho, feel free to e-mail me anytime!