<--Counter. It goes Today, then Total


Hello and welcome to Orange Story! This site is made by Megan and Jackie! We will be your host for the day! ^_^


______June 2, 2002
Hey! Okay so sorry that we haven't been updating lately! Well, we just did! YAY! We finally added most of the names of the people that joiend our clique. Well, we g2g now! tata!
G-Bookie here I come!!!
IMPORTANT: IF you had joined our clique and we did not add your name under the 'join' page then please e-mail megan ASAP. If you would like to join please go to the same page called 'join'. the link to the page is at the bottom of the page under clique. Thank you!

________April 17, 2002

hey! Okay i've [megan] has been getting a lot of e-mails to add a counter. So i put in a counter. It is at the top & bottom of this page. :) Just to worn you sometimes the links for some reason won't come up. So i put the links on this page just in case that happens. :) Oh yeah, you have to scroll to the bottom to see the links! BUT still sometimes it won't come up casue GEOCITIES.com is so ruDe! Well, the links are under geocities. All the other links like Cliques, and stuff are on the menu page but to see them you have to wait until geocities let my links work. So sorry. But all the other links are down at the bottom. Don't forget please sign the g-book!

We are NOW-->We are now going to let other people send us ideas with layout stuff. So that means you can send us a background. But remember if you do a background we will also need a background for the menu page, and other stuff. So we need the whole set of stuff. But we will LOVE to put up a layout that you make as long as it is not porn or anything. You can also send us banners, etc... that you make and we will be HAPPY to use them. :)!!!
G-Bookie here I come!!! HoMe

Our Clique
Banner pg. 1
Banner pg.2

{Fun stuff}
Doll pg.1
Doll pg.2
Doll pg.3
Doll pg.4
Read Us
Shout Outs!*

{ E-mail }

[some links] Cozmic Kitty

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