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October 12, 2004

Hey everyone!

Well I finally got my computer back from the repair place, and it works like a charm. Thats why it has been so long since I updated this.

So yes, I should probably be catching up on some reading, so I will keep this kinda brief. I forgot to take my camera to the switchfoot show, otherwise I woulda surely posted pictures of that. Other than that I have just been getting into the swing of things here at western. I am captain of two intramural teams, whiffle ball, and basketball. It's gonna be GREAT times. All last weeked I studied LIKE A MANIAC for the psychology exam, and I think it paid off, cause the test seemed really easy for me. It wasn't really an easy test, but I had studied so much, I knew what I was doing. Nooow I just need to study like that for the Journalism test.

A week or so back, Adam and I went to the game that Ichiro broke the single seaoson hit record at. It was a great game. Too bad we missed the FIRST THREE INNINGS!!!! GAAAH! Ichiro got his two hits and broke the record before we could get there cause of HEAVY traffic. Oh well, in 30 years I probably wont remember and all that matters is that we were at the game... right? haha... Well I had some pictures from that game, but I am not sure where they are...

Alrighty, here are some pictures...

Here is my two intramural team rosters, its sideways.. i dont care...

Ok I did buy a poster at the switchfoot show, here it is...

Here is adam studying.... that lasted all of 20 minutes, and he has two mid terms tomorrow...

Here is our suitemate, Paul, he is adam's roomate...

Here I am, this is not a good picture, but it will have to do...

Peter just came over to say hi. Well I am gonna wrap this thing up, hope you're all doing well!

- Matt