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BMW 325


BMW 325

BMW 325

This is a very popular car with the ladies and why not. It offers all the features anyone could want in a luxury sports coupe, clean lines, exciting colors and innovative design elements, and as with all BMW cars, the engines in the 3 series are renowned for their power, refinement and efficiency.  The exterior styling of this car is beautiful and classic and will look great on the road even after a decade because the clever designers at BMW have created a line of cars that never really show their age. This is a serious and prestigious driving machine.  It’s safe, it’s comfortable. It’s beautiful. Especially if you order it in Electric Red or Alpine White, (our favorite colors), and with a convertible top.  The 3 series BMW comes in a variety of choices and different engine sizes etc., (talk to your dealer about these), but you can lease one starting as low as $545 a month with nothing down over thirty six months, or buy one starting from about $35,000.           


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