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The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization was created by nations and peoples around the world,who are not represented as such in the world´s principal international organisations, such as the United Nations.

Founded in 1991, UNPO today consists of over 50 members who represent over 100 million persons.

In these pages we will focus on some of the members of UNPO with links and facts to some of these fascinating but not allways so well known territories and peoples.


President of Tatarstan declared his intention to stand for the sovereignty of the region

Read more about Tatarstan

Bashkiria and Tatarstan Presidents Revolt Against Putin as they are heading towards a looser union with Russia.

Read more in Pravda

Soldiers guilty of Papua killing

Read more about West Papua

Seven Indonesian special forces soldiers have been found guilty of killing Papuan pro-independence leader Theys Eluay.

Read more in the BBC news

Who's who in Iraqi Kurdistan

Kurdistan Regional Government web page

There are about 40 political parties in the Iraqi Kurdistan region. Many of these parties emerged after the establishment of a Kurdish administration and a safe haven for the Kurds in northern Iraq in the aftermath of the 1991 Gulf War.

In this article you will have a guide over the largest and most influental political groups in this region.

Read more in the BBC news

Focus on Iraq and her people

UNPO web site

The Republic of Iraq consists of a great variety of different ethnic groups. Some of them like the Kurds, Assyrians and Turkomans are members of the UNPO.

Read more in the BBC news

Komi to Extract 13 Million Tonnes of Oil in 2003

Komi facts from UNPO

Enterprises of Komi will be able to extract 13 million tonnes of oil and gas condensate in 2003, including 10.5 million tonnes on the territory of the Komi Republic, said Vice-President of Komi Yevgeni Leskin. As Komiinform reports, this will be the first time the republic has attained that level of extraction since 1992.

Read more in Pravda

Promise of autonomy, still a dream for Cordillerans

Cordillera facts from UNPO

Internal bickering among officials of the Cordilleras continues to be the biggest obstacle to the establishment of the autonomous region, the price of the peace settlement 16 years ago between the national government and an insurgency by restive natives.

The promise was part of the Mt. Data peace accord when the Aquino government convinced the Cordillera People’s Liberation Army to lay down their arms and become its partner in bringing socio-economic development in the region.

Read more in the Manila Times


Chinland facts from UNPO

Chinland is located in Burma and is working towards uplifting the national political, economic, social status and living standard of the people of Chinland.

Read more from the Chin National Front


Abkhazia facts from UNPO

The Parliament of the republic of Abkhazia declared the region's independence from the former Soviet republic of Georgia in 1999.

Abkhazia broke away in 1992 from Georgia, which denounced the polls as illegal and an attempt to sabotage peace talks.

Read more from the BBC

THE LONG WAIT - The years tick by, but Asia's banished rebel movements still dream of one day going home

This odd assembly of flags, many outlawed at home, adorn the headquarters of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO). Like a United Nations of Outcasts, UNPO assists more than 50 would-be states or peoples that have no say in world affairs. They are mostly unheard of, but, taken together, they make up a formidable group -- over 100 million people, many of them persecuted. "The exact number really isn't important," says Michael van Walt van Praag, founding general secretary. "What is important is that there is a significant number of people who feel left out, who aren't properly represented in world bodies."

Read the whole story in Asiaweek


Gagauzia facts from UNPO

The Region of Gagauzia is an autonomous region of Moldovo. It borders the Republic of Ukraine and the Republic of Moldovo. Area: 1,800,000 km˛. The capital is Komrat.

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Cabinda: Angola's forgotten war

Cabinda facts from UNPO

The territory of Cabinda is situated in Central Africa between the Republic of Congo in the north and the Democratic Republic of Congo in the south and east. In the west it borders the Atlantic Ocean. Cabinda covers an area of 7,270 km˛. A 60 km-wide strip of land of the Democratic Republic of Congo seperates Cabinda from Angola. The capital of Cabinda is Tchiowa which is situated on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean and is the most important port in the whole territory.

Read more from BBC

Doubts over Bangladesh rebel accord

Chittagong Hill Tracts facts from UNPO

Five years ago a long-running insurgency in the Chittagong Hill Tracts in the south-east of Bangladesh came to an end. A peace treaty was signed between the government of Bangladesh and a rebel group made up of indigenous people called the Shanti Bahini.

But indigenous people in the area say peace has not brought with it all that was promised. The Cittagong Hill Tracts is a current member of the UNPO.

Read more from the BBC

Read more from the UNPO homepage

Crimean Tatars mark wartime deportations

Crimea facts from UNPO

The Crimea Peninsula is situated in the Black Sea the South of the Ukraine and is connected with the mainland by an isthmus of 8 km. The capital is Simferopol. Area: 29,590 km2.

Fifty-eight years ago, more than 200,000 Tatars, Armenians, Greeks and Bulgarians were sent from Crimea to Siberia and Central Asia in just two days, on the orders of Soviet leader Josef Stalin following accusations of collaboration with Nazi Germany.

Read more from the BBC

Argentine Mapuche Indians Build Ski Resort

Mapuche facts from UNPO

Poverty and a nasty climate have driven an Argentine Indian tribe away from subsistence agriculture in favor of developing a ski resort.

Read more from ABCNews

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Last modified 5. May 2003
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