Back Row: Max, Casey Joe, Chris Johnson, Stephanie Huckestein, Stephanie Hanna, Lindsay McQuaid, John Coleman, Tayler Wellington, Casey Tilton, Kevin Linn. Front Row: Danial Thom, Regina Brant, Ashely Rubalcaba.

For the second summer in a row, Terry Gabel invited H.O.T.T. members to enjoy a day at his Lake Mayfield home. On Friday, August 16, 2002, Casey Tilton and I each drove a van full of teens to the Gabels’ property. After receiving a warm welcome, we took turns riding in the Gabels’ boat. Regina Brant (05) and Lindsay McQuaid (03) were the two brave souls who agreed to go tubing first, while Kevin Linn (04) enjoyed his first boat ride, and Ashely Rubalcaba (04) finally jumped from the rope swing! 

The Gabels provided us with plenty of food, including the freshly picked blueberries Denise had gathered earlier in the day, and Terry even BBQ’d Gardenburgers© for those of us who do not eat red meat! Mmmm mmmm...

Later, Terry took us to the rope swing, where we became familiarized with the term “Major Wedgie!” The Gabels provided us with a very nice reward for all the hard work the students accomplished last school year. THANK YOU!


Lindsay McQuaid
(03) and Regina Brant (05)


Kevin Linn (04)


Danial Thom (05)