Thought i'd give a lil shoutout to my bestest buddys!! Luv y'all!! sorry if you arent on here yet!! you will be promise!!

KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK wow.. firstly i just read the old one and ew im gross and im sorry for giving you the worst shoutout ever.. haha well after today.. maybe not the WORST.. but close. Anywho where to start with you...haha ahh yes.. olives.. olives and hatred lol... stupid slut ;) ahah if only we could fast forward to us now and we would laugh so hard..haha think about it... its kinda funny that we thought she was such a slut... meanwhile shes like tying us... lol, anwho moving on.. just take a minute to reflect on all the shit we've gotten in in the past couple years haha................... its re-god damn -diculous! seriously... u know its a good friendship when ur parents hate my fucking guts hahahah... haha at a movie with me eh? why is ur bathingsuit wet?????? lmmfao... wowowowowow, thennn just drinking at the mall like.. every weekend with gdaasnki, haha we had the most fun! i dont understand how we went home every night? weird.. so we've skipped through a few groups of friends together haha, we've hadddd hmm lets start withhhh mts people.. and lyndsay moore hahah WTF.. then right over to like Dan Finley.... hahahh wow... ew.. ya then mt. brydes.. hahahahahah oooh wow the hot tub stories we have lmao.. well kinda just me.... lol u have the getting lost stories hahahahha bitch!!! we can share hahah man drool... anywho, thennn we have like the scattered whole crew of jers friends.. kinda westmountish.. lol then there was the byron boys for that summer haha that was kinda fun.. they were all really hot and rich hahahhahah too bad i fucked that up royally hahah thennnnnnnnnnnnnn this is what i really wanted to get to..., ahhah STRATHROY hnahahah in like 1 month we've made so many good times there... strath is THE SHIT! hahh firstly... oh wow.. i was in grade 7.. haha aww so scared.. ya i'm realllllllllly not in grade 7 anymore.. LMAO.. we're BOTH in grade 12 thank god finally.. hmm ya, thennnnn theres the first one.. hahah that was awesome.. OMG remember when steve went streaking?@!?!!? oh man we were so drunk.. haha eww, YEA.. then there wassssss the fucking strathroy fair thing.... jeeeesus that was funny... i know i shouldnt have let u have that pot that i scammed off the nice eyes guy lmmfao.. he even remembered the action i did to get it hahahah we were SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO drunk.... hahah like ohhhhhhhh my god that was so funny, then u skitzed.. and freaked the fuck out of me.. we cried.. i left... we fought.. lmao then we couldnt deal...hahah so we got back friends.... then we have the number two.. he's a fuckin goof.. haha im so mad at him right now but yea whatever he sucked .. at everything;) hahah hummmmm ya thennnn theres the grand finally... we fuckin OWN in the art of lying like thats all i can say.... but we're amazing.. hahaha and we believe them too thats awesome... but seriously.. we've prolly come up with like over 1000 lies and theyre soo good and like complex now we're awesome....haha ew.. i could pull a good shoutout... EMILY you are such a role model ... you never judge or lie to anyone.. ur such an angel... .HAHHAHAHHHHAHA FUCKKKING BULLLLLLLLLLLSHIT... ur a whore who lies and i love it and i wouldnt change anything about u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha ur my numero uno, we are the ones who make shit interesting fa sheez!!! FUCKING RIGHT E-SQUARED TILL THE FUCKKKKING END.. haha or we get caught ;) MUAH
MA GIRL!!! omg, i dont even know where to start with you!! We've been through SOO much shit together, lol!! Remeber getting caught with those letters with swear words on them in grade 2?? I CERTAINLY DO!! HAHA. Good job for us, stupid getting caught by STUPID ryan, takes talent to be us! Got stranded in a lake in an inflatable boat..u totally watched me LAY on the ground in that store in OHIO and spin in circles and make chicken noises!?!? HOW DO I HAVE FRIENDS lmao. We'll i match with you..YOU agreed to sleep in laundry gunna run out of ROOM before i finish writing you're thing lmao. We were tearin' up tha dance flo' tonite....i was almost britney spears there...HAHA..stupid VIDEO comes back to haunt me...and my bad pictures...i suck mega ass. MMMM tony n rob foreva!! OH AND the stewarts too!! YUMM i just could eat that family UP!!! We'll be together foreva girl!! me and u verses the world lol. No one can beat us! 12 YEARS BABEE!!!

Jen and Chloe- Remember the CRAZY guy at joe cools?? that like sat down with us and drank from my drink HAHA!! a Just this year, lol, BAMB we're friends...or more *wink wink* jk jk. HMMM EW REMEMBER STEVE!?!? mm...those fries were delecious! lol. "Lets roll our skirts FOUR times" as we're walking downtown. I should've seen u were a lil hoebag =D But you're MY lil hoe-bag!! Aww im so proud of you, so happy (you know why). Lol remember our conversation...lil pink patch where no hair grows "hmm thats not right" out loud..'re totally my queen. don't worry, i'm scared too! REALLY SCARED..ahah speaking of being scared, remember when we were SOOOO scared of the ghosts in my house we were just SCREAMING, and we were gunna go to still wanna haha OW OW. *does actions* ride home ride home ride home ride home. LOL. we got a ride home, lol. That was kinda weird eh? thinkin back on SO surprised we didnt get raped. LOL. Remeber Jeremy, andrew n nate!? I DONT...LOL yes i do yes i do. I can't even KEEP up with you're love life now jk jk. We'll chloe, we've come a LOOOOOOOONG way, u changed me MEGA, but i love it lol, now all u gotta do is teach me how to be ....... lol. you.. lol. You're such a cutie, and we're SOO alike in ways eh? only some ways lol...but we'll be best buds forever mmk?!?! like no drifting promise!?! haha *2005 with the eyes*

Geez.. hommie Remeber when Chloe's dog and i were GETTING IT ON!?! hmm maybe i cant remmeber if you were there, but remember when her dog like tried to kill you!?! Yeah. lol. I still for sure think Mr. Montesi and Mrs. Calgary are screwing on the side lol. haha we gotta keep the tradition of goin to your house before the was MEGA fun, we stopped at laura's...weird...You're like the funnest person i know, and i wouldnt trade you for a kabillion dollars!!! lol mmmm andrew first is SUCHA hunk eh?!?! you're such a whore all coming on to him!! lol you're my idol!! He's sexy for sure tho! lol!!! MMMM lil bow wow is the sexiest beast ever. SWEET ass movie!! But anyways, you're the best and i love you till the cows come home mack. You're one of the best poeple i know, and IM GOING TO KILL YOU...yeah i donno where that came u

AWW christina, its kinda crazy all the jokes we have!! HHAHAHHA standing on the corner of proudfoot and oxford with my leapord print cowbow hat, like wow, you're quite the hottie!!! ow ow, people were pointin LOL, omg that was like the funniest thing EVER!! Haha OMG kaylas birthday "is this al" "yes alan from GM automobiles" "dont u remmeber talking to me on monday about takin us downtown" "nope" "this is ALAN right?" "yes alan from GM" "OMG GM?!!? I THOUGHT THIS WAS FIRST CHOICE LIMOS!!" lol SOOOOO FUNNY!!! hahhaha omg the forest, that is OUR secret mmk?!? but i had no choice i swear!! it's funny cuz i made you feel my legs lmao!! omg, you're totally my god! lol, FUNNY things happen when you're with the infamous christina daniels!!

Zsolt, Zsolt, Zsolt, what am i gunna do with you!?! hehe i have an idea!! but im JUST JOKING lol, you're such a cutie, and YES you will be hot when you're older i PROMISE!! You just can't leave MTS OKAY!?!?!?!? lol, i was readin our history, i swear to god there is only a few things we talk about lol. REMEMBER that on time at masonville, omg that was priceless, and i like kept my hand out for way too long, geez i was!?! lol u know what im talkin about, how come we havent done that since HUH!!?!? well we will, just you wait!! Friends forever (no matter how many arguments we get in!) Smiley n Zsoltie FOREVA!

awwww ISABEL, i miss you waaay too much, its totally not healthy. KNOW WHAT ELSE ISNT HEALTHY!?! running the hell from security for like 2 miles lmao. WOW that was a bad day, with the 18 hour bus ride to Mary Nothers, OH YEAH and the stupid pizza from school, then the mall, lol, you got way more screwed than me tho, but you're parents were so cool!! haha remmeber when i was on your stairs "its not like its the POLICE...shit shit shit" lol, im such a dumbass. HAHA remember goin to the store in grade 7!?! Stupid BITCHY mrs dash, damn she was satan eh?! TOTALLY proved that the principal was a lesbo eh, WE got actually seen, but we got off and everyone else got sent home lol. WOW we;re such rebels!! going to the STORE lmao. LOL remember the movies with aaron and dennis...minus the aaron...LMAO, aww poor izzy!! You're such a hoebag now, you can rub it in his face LOL, what is it.. 5 boyufriends this year? OH 6 SORRY!! jk jk, i love u forever girlie!! OMG TIM HORTONS FOREVER, and i mean FOREVER alex lol (just in case he reads this heehee) but yeah we had tons of fun, it better continue!! BFF!!

BUNNY!! lol, remmeber mrs. mcmanus like ALWAYS blamed everything on you, ahhahah when it was josh this one time, ahahahha omg that was so funny. Oh yeah the ecozones project!!! fun stuff, last minute...well acutally it was like last 6 hours lmao, oh well NEVER have to take geography again!! we can just chill n play with big bessie ALLL DAYYYY yessssss. Aww you're dogs cute, lol, she (?) can play with big bessie too!! it'll be like a 4-some HAHA. But yeah, we became friends at liek semi eh? i like NEVER talked to you before that, MY LOSS lol, but yeah BUNNY + ROTWEILLER TOGETHER FOREVER!! LOL

Awww good old G'danski!! With his big mouth, heehee we have geography memories too, i KNEW when i got moved beside you (lol i remmeber that day PERFECTLY) i was gunna fail lmao. "I've been to france...yeah i was on a cruise in alaska...i went hiking in the appalations.....i've been on 18 cruises down south" SHUT UP MCMANUS lmao, it was so funny, she never shut the hell up!! teehee recignize the font fer ur name?! lol GO JAPAN!! "this is the average house, the roofs are shaped like that because of the amount of RAIN!?!" wow you're lucky shes so dense!! lol, and the britney spears lol. ANYWAYS "i've never....had a threesome" LOL lol lol lol, but yeah we learned lots, and dont worry SOMEDAY you'll get that ggirl that u want i PROMISE!!! or else me n emily will bitch her out for sure lmao!! Luv always!! you're favourite person ever! lol Evieeeee

AHH good ol wigs. HAHA we've got TONS of memories eh? Most of them we either TOTALLY hated eachother or vice versa lol. But anyways, remember karate? no? me EW steve stewart dear god!! HAHA and the mall this winter.... that was grreat!! lol, standing outside of dominoes for like HOURS lol. Heehee, never woulda thought Mrs. Dugal was WRONG lol, it was the opposite, you were the bad influence LOL. Thats so funny. Remember grade 5? FUN lol, mmmm i wonder what robbie is doin RIGHT now HAHHA!! We were all anti-jen and emily haha. But yeah even though we like kinda rew apart, we'll still be friends forever, IF you quit smoking lol....jk jk....maybe, and we'll have our retarded memories of liking robbie C forever!! lol

Tee-hee. SEAN!!!!!!! remmeber RELIGION!?! mr macs HUGE BUTT lol. "I have no friends" *drool* lol you are so cool sean, SO cool haha. Oh yeah and english in first semester. Mr. Delany...thats all i got to say lol. I remember the first thing you ever told me about yourself was that you can pull you eyebrows out lol and Matt can pull his eyelashes out...crazy kids!! You gotta teach me to skate (that how u spell it??) like you, stupid pro boy lol. Remember when u and matt were like snowskating and i was on the giant hill and i like WIPED OUT lol, i dont know if u do but III sure do lol. It was But yeah can't wait till next year!! lol, Oh yeah and we're going to canadas wonderland for sure, just give me a day and im there!! heehee

Heehee Matrick heehee, i wonder how that name came Haha remmember when jen and i wrote everythin in your locker??!? MUAHAH haha was that at the playoff basketball game thing where like EVERYONE was all dressed up? meh, that was alright lol. But yeah "shed get mad" lol, everythin, always, no matter what. LoL. We still gotta get :S together haha. NO :| (just imagin the faces lol) but yeah i know im insane lol so im gunna stop...NOW!! muahaha

Hehe carly, remember MATH!?! ew she was so gross, with her noises *shudder* ew and she thought she was so cool "i cant tell, is she pregnant?" LOL NOPE!! ew shes like only 30 eh?! hungry...i could sure go for some CHOCOLATE CHIPS lol, the sweet n tasty treat! haha yesss friends forever!! chow!

SORRY IF YOU AREN'T ON HERE, YOU MOST LIKELY WILL BE, I'M JUST TOO LAZY RIGHT NOW!! SO JUST GIVE ME A LIL REMINDER LOL. Oh yeah, and everyone, this is in NO particular order, so dont go bitchin at me cuz billy was before you or whatever, understood?!!?

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