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Neighbours Boys

 Home / Up  /   Declan Hewitt _ Chris Milne -1997

Jonathan Verne & David

    Paying off Krystal his fitness trainer >

Estelle Andrewartha 2004

     < 39 frames looped

Birthday 4th September 1959

First appearance May 12, 1988 Episode 724

Last appearance October 25, 2005 Episode 4837

Favourite Role Kevin Findlay - Seachange
 David Bishop - Neighbours

Highlights of Neighbours you wish to share
Working with Shane Connor

Highlights of The Honourable Wally Norman you wish to share
Opening the Sydney Film Festival

Highlights of Guru Wayne you wish to share
Bob Franklin

Highlights of Australian Rules you wish to share
The Footy Coach Scenes

Highlights of The Dish you wish to share
The cricket scene on the dish

Highlights of Seachange you wish to share
Final scenes with Chris Lyons (Trevor Findlay)

Highlights of The Glyn Nicholas Show you wish to share
Working with Allison White

Highlights of Eric you wish to share
Seeing John Wood act in on the sketches I wrote

Highlights of All Together Now you wish to share
Warming up the audience

Highlights of Blue Heelers you wish to share
The cast

Highlights of The Micallef Program you wish to share
Ted Emery

Highlights of Raw FM you wish to share
Hated it

Highlights of Snowy River:The McGregor Saga you wish to share
Riding a horse
Preferred Medium (Stage, Screen, Television) screen

sports betting
Address For Fan Correspondence

c/o Grundy Television, 21 Goodwood Street, Richmond, Victoria, 3121
Favourite Book I don't read novels
Favourite Movie Wag the Dog
Favourite Song Born To Run
Favourite Television Program The Panel
Favourite Person to Act Alongside Frank Gallahar
Actor you would like to work with Megan Harrington
Favourite Possession

the television
Future Ambitions To continue enjoy my work
Why you became an Actor Couldn't do anything else


Killed off in a plane crash. Just before Christmas 2005 along with his wife Liljana  & daughter Serena.  (Australian TV.)

Clip 955k Change for the Bitter 0:51 With Liljana

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