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Breakfast For Learning Events

September, 2003

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

2 3 4 5 6

8 9 10 11 12 13

Contests Begin
16 17 18 19 20

Contest Begins
23 24 25 26Poster
Contests End
Contest Ends

29 30 Winners

Event Information

Sept 15 - Contests begin! Colouring and Poster contests have begun. Ages 2-3 can pick up a colouring contest page at the Ontario Early Years Centre on Broadway. Ages 4-13 can create their own breakfast poster or collage. For full contest rules please call 856-7354. Good Luck and Have Fun!!!

Sept 22 - Trivia contest for high school kids begins today! Click on the Trivia link and answer the daily question. Log on for the next seven days and answer the question to qualify. The student with the most correct answers wins free subs from

Sept 26 - Contests End! Please bring in your poster or colouring pages to the Ontario Early Years Centre no later than 4:00 pm today! Make sure to have your name, age and number written on the back.

Sept 28 - Last day for the Trivia Contest. Winner will be notified Sept 30th.

Sept 30 - Winners will be notified by 4:00 pm today. The categories are as follows: 2-3 year olds - winner will be drawn randomly out of a hat. 4-5 year olds, 6-8 year olds, 9-11 year olds and 12-13 year olds. For high school the prize will go to the student who answered the most questions right.

Watch for our event information for October....
-Weyerhaeuser displays and events
-Kids Can Cook Program
-and more!!!

For more information, please call Tara or Chrystal at 856-7354 ext 227.
