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© Copyright 2025 Ryan Wadleigh

Diary of Odin Wadleigh, January - February 1906

Odin F. Wadleigh 1906

Monday, January 1, 1906

I did not watch the old year out because I was to tired. Got up about 8 and loafed about all the morning. After dinner I went over to Eva's. [Evangeline "Eva" Marsh, his girlfriend and later his wife.] She has adopted three resolutions which in short are not to let me come over so often, not to let me think so much of her and not to let me be jealous. Well it made me a little mad so I got right up and came home without even saying good bye to Eva. I felt pretty blue and slept all the P.M. After wards our family went over to Gaiges to a chicken supper. I wint up to Eva's and told her that she was wright and that I was sorry. Perhaps I have been to attentive for our age but I can help it. I can not go with any other girl and I suppose she will be having other fellows.

Tuesday, January 2, 1906

The old grind began to-day. I hardly spoke or looked at Eva all day. Except to ask her if she would go to a dance 26 Jan I did not speak. It is hard to stop off so but perhaps it is all to the right. Took my lesson at 5 P.M. after supper Mr. Bower and his wife came over. The Rabourn Bros came We had quite an evening Bed 11:30

Wednesday, January 3, 1906

School + Laboratory to Day my latest scheme is to take a post Graduate course and try for the State Cornell Scholarship a year from this June. Went up to Berts at 4:30 and we developed plates till 10

Thursday, January 4, 1906

I talked with Miss Webster about the Scholarship exams + she gave me some old papers. They are hard especially the Mathematics but I think I can do em. There is also a chance to get a scholarship for 2 years + which one can sell when one gets to Ithica. Stayed after school and worked at some Problems for Eva. She beat me and solved it first. Walked over with Eva + Edna. Went up to the City club with Pa but did not have a good time

Friday, January 5, 1906

Walked over with Eva this noon. After school I went up with Burt. We printed pictures and played 500 till 12 P.M. Had a good time

Saturday, January 6, 1906

Home at 9:30 and did my cleaning. Practised on my violin and took a bath the first on this year. After dinner I did algebra till 3:30 Mother and I went up L'Amoureux dance and stayed till 6. After supper I went up town and got a pair of shoes. They wrinkle and I am going to take them back.

Sunday, January 7, 1906

Went to Sunday School. Eva told me she had crossed out her resolutions but still things are not as they were. I shall not go our another Sunday until united. Layed around home all the afternoon. I had to eat supper alone and rather than to do it went out. Went to bed at 8.

Monday, January 8, 1906

Things have gone smoothly to-day. As Congress won the Debate at Ithica Friday there was much rejoicing and speech making in the school this A.M. After school I went up and changed my shoes I got a pair intirely patent leather. Bought a new German book "Teja" Took my lesson at 5:30 after supper read German and made Candy. Eva tried to make some taffy but it sugared on her twice so she quit

Tuesday, January 9, 1906

Went up to the office this A.M. before school and saw Lee Gangs about getting the top for skates made also saw Bert a minute. He said he had had a postal from Mae saying Grandpa would be over this week. After school to night I was down in the Barlow school awhile. When I came up the boys (Bob Fletcher + Ben Schnyder) were raising hob with Eva's furs etc. She had stayed and fussed so they did. I could not very well butt right in and help her so I helped them a little + then got her things for her. Walked over a way with Eva and Edna. After supper Father + Mother [Oscar and Charlotte (Winters) Wadleigh] went to a dance I did German and practiced till 10:30

Wednesday, January 10, 1906

I hurried around a lot this A.M. trying to get the patterns for some skate blades and got a headache so I did not go to school. Saw and spoke with Eva this noon. Ola Corbin has a new red flannel shirt and it is very fine. Eva has a gray one + Edna a brownish shade. Quarttete meeting to night. We are going to sing again Friday after supper I read 7 pages of Teja. Bed 9:30

Thursday, January 11, 1906

To night I took the steel up to the Blacksmith shop to have me skate blades made. I had to run the "lamps" up to the library to night after that I went up to the City Club and bowled a game only made 101 Pa made 105 It was the first time I had bowled in a year or more - Bed 11:30

Friday, January 12, 1906

We had some new stuff in algebra today. Finding uncomensurable roots to three decimal places. Quite hard. This after noon the Quartette sang at Robinson St School. After that I took my skate blades which were finished over to Mr. Gang's to have the wood parts put on. Rob Marsh [Robert Marsh, his girlfriend's younger brother] came up to the house about six and asked me to come over + play 500 this evening I did. I was foolish or mean I don't know which so we did not play much Rob and I plagued Eva a lot. I ought to be kicked for it. I am certainly going to cut it out and treat her as she deserves. Home at 10:15. Mother + Father went up to the Mon. P.M. Club to a dance. Bed at 10:30. I heard to day that Bess Spalding's mother has eloped.

Saturday, January 13, 1906

Cleaned up as usual Tried to mend by Cycle tire this A.M. But failed on account of the date. After dinner I went over and got my new skates which were finished to day. Then came around to Eva's and we went up to Lyon's skating Edna Carl + Benj. Schnider were there. Had a good time. Came home with Eva at 5. Mrs. Marsh gave me a big piece of pumpkin pie. Home at 10. Read and took a bath in the evening

Sunday, January 14, 1906

Church + Sunday School. Saw Eva of course. After dinner Mother and Gerald went down to Foster Father to the office and I came home. My but it was lonesome I would like to have gone over to see Eva. I shall ask her in about two weeks if I can come over some Sunday. After supper I read Teja clear through that is scanning most of it. Bed at 10.

Monday, January 15, 1906

Gave Ola Corbin a calling for taking my knife. Walked over with Eva and Edna Whitney gave me notice of a lecture 2 weeks from tonight Took my lesson at 5:30. I am trying to fix my old steam engine to run. After supper I did Algebra, German and wrote to Grandpa. Deacon Huggins came over a while.

Tuesday, January 16, 1906

Went up to lab two hours this a.m. I have told Eva that I am not going to the concert but Feb 3. She said she would not be mad. Anyway I have several reasons why I can not go one is $? I made my engine work a little to night. Now I am fixing the boiler. Did algebra all the evening Bed 11.

Wednesday, January 17, 1906

I was up in lab. Four hours today This noon I went over to speak with Eva and she did not speak I felt pretty much put out and was mad for a while. There was class election to night. Evidently they were not satisfied with my services for I was defeated. Whitney, a fellow who has been in the class 2 months got it. I am not sorry. Eva lost to. We had quartette practice after supper read + did algebra.

Thursday, January 18, 1906

Fletcher + I had a set to do day about ink. It seems the girls put ink in his desk + because he saw me monkeying with his ink well he put ink on my books It is all past but in the set to I lost my temper + called Eva a liar. I was awful sorry and told her so I ran the lamp at the library to night. Eva + Edna were there. After that I went up to the City Club dance. I did not expect a good time so did not ask Eva but I had a fine time bowling + etc. I will ask her next time. Bed 1 AM

Friday, January 19, 1906

The last day of the Term I told Eva how sorry I was that I had not asked her last night I had such a fine time Worked a little up stairs after school. Read a while after supper and then went to bed with the stomach ache.

Saturday, January 20, 1906

Well I have had a bad time to day. About two A.M. I awoke with terrible cramps in my stomach. Nothing did any good and I was in agony all the rest of the night. About 9 Mother sent for the doctor. He gave me two hypodermics of morphine. I went to sleep and slept till 2 in the P.M. When I woke I felt four and the pain was gone. Doc said I was threatened appendicitis so it pays to keep it down. The Van Ordon came over after supper and spent the evening.

Sunday, January 21, 1906

I fell a little better to-day. Went to Sunday School saw Eva + told her about my time + she was very sorry I was going to ask her if I could come over but I don't feel well enough to day after dinner I sat around and read the rest of the day Bed at 8:30 Hottest day ever known in January 70 F

Monday, January 22, 1906

Felt pretty good to day. Took a little walk up town I made my engine run this P.M. Geo Gump came down and we did algebra to gether. Took my lesson after supper. I read. Bed 9:10

Tuesday, January 23, 1906

Had regents in advanced algebra this A.M. It was fierce. I only did 6 so if I get them all I will only get 75 Went over to Eva's after dinner played Five Hundred etc. Home at 5:30 Ran the lamp in the evening at the library. raining to night I was craz nervous the noon after working at the exam so hard this A.M.

Wednesday, January 24, 1906

I found out this A.M. that I got through in algebra Had Chemistry this A.M. is was a pipe. English in the P.M. That was easy also. My great Uncle John Owens was here this noon. [John Owens lived at Chicago, Illinois.] Aunt Inez [Inez Wadleigh Blake, the sister of Odin's father.] came at 9:10 this evening Bed 10:30

Thursday, January 25, 1906

We had German exam this morning. It was not hard. As I always have done I did to day. I wrote an answer. Then at the last minute I changed. I found out if I had left it I would have had it correct. Walked down with Eva this A.M. After dinner I went up to the Boston store and bought some drawers. They gave me a ticket and I went up stairs + had my picture taken Went up to the City club + bowled I was n g to day only 86 87 After supper I ran the lamp at the library. We did not have enough gas to make good pictures

Friday, January 26, 1906

Stayed home all day and worked in my shop took a nap about 4 P.M. after supper I went over and got Eva + we went to a dance held by the Foot Ball Team. Had a fine time. Eva wore all white + her hair parted she look fine. at the intermission I tried to get her to go over + get a lunch. Her mother had told her not to so she could not. She said afterward she was hungry. I ate a sandwich with onion in it before I thought Eva did not like it I don't blame her Home at 2 + to bed 2:15

Saturday, January 27, 1906

Up at 8 and not very tired Worked up stairs nearly all day. Inez did the cleaning to day. Went up town about 4 P.M. and got my pictures on the bottons, they are pretty good. Bed at 11:19 P.M. last man

Sunday, January 28, 1906

Slept so long it made my headache. Had to wash the dishes so could not go the Church. Went to Sunday School of course gave Eva one of my button after dinner I went to Eva's Harry Barret is here from Newark Valley He also has writed me out this Summer. Had a good time chining with Eva came home early at 6:30. After supper played my violin with Mother and then went to bed

Monday, January 29, 1906

Went over to School at got my card. The last marks Exam Turn average English 93 94 Algebra 75 90 German 91 93 Chemistry 100 95 Went over to Eva's. Harry Barrett Eva + I played five hundred. I got beat as usual + bet Eva I would never play another game of 500 + I will not. Harry came over + we went through the office. There was a quartette meeting at my house at 3. After supper I ran the Camp with Geo. Gump. At the Mon. P.M. Club for a lecture on birds $1.00 Bed at 10:30

Tuesday, January 30, 1906

Stayed around home all day. After supper I went up the Monday P.M. Club with Church The teachers institute held a reception + program our quartette sang four tunes Had a good time. Home at 11:30 A American in a Stanley (American) Steam Auto made 2 miles in 59 sec at the Beach in Florida great speed?

Wednesday, January 31, 1906

Went to school this A.M. We did nothing this A.M. and adjourned till tomorrow P.M. Read + worked up in my shop till 4. Then I went over to Mr. McLean's It was dull there so I went up to Eva's awhile. Harry Barret + Rob and Eva + Edna + Bessie + Ralph + Eugene Stow + Canda St. John were there. We played games. About 5:30 I came back. After supper I played for the people + they played for us. Home 10:30

Thursday, February 1, 1906

Went over to school this A.M. and talked with the teachers. I decided to take XA English History as an Extra because it is needed in the colleges. After dinner all the classes of the day passed. Operated the lamp at the library. Mother and Inez went. My seat this term is away front 101

Friday, February 2, 1906

Rafted my classes all over again today so I am not in Eva's classes at all very cold to day awful cold. As there will be no dance after the concert to morrow I am not going. After supper pa and I went up and bowled. Neither of ours were any good tonight. I made 95.93 Bed 11

Saturday, February 3, 1906

Inez did all the cleaning except the stairs which I did Went out collecting bills for the Panorama. In the P.M. took a nap and then went up to get my shoes fixed. After supper I read and fiddled. I saw a price in the paper to night about a new universal model language called Esperanto

Sunday, February 4, 1906

Sunday school to day. Eva said she had a good time last night. Miss Mattie Billings was at the house all the afternoon and she and I played for about two hours. Mother lost her glasses and could not go to church. After supper I did Heine + Dort till 9 and retired

Monday, February 5, 1906

The grind had begun in earnest now. Had a spiel with Eva this noon. I am taking my dinner to school now and so have a lot of time at noon. Did a little collecting after school and then took my lesson. After supper I did trigonometry and German the latter was quite hard. There is sleighing today for the first this winter and it is quite cold. Bed 9:15

Tuesday, February 6, 1906

It was 18 below zero this A.M. On my way to school my nose got nipped. I had to thaw it out with snow before I went in. I ran the lamp, over to school to night. Eva + Edna were there so I came home with Eva. Ben Schnider came over with Edna, she stayed with Eva. Home at 10:30 and did my German Bed at 11:30

Wednesday, February 7, 1906

Lab to day The quartette practiced to night did trig after supper Bed at 9:30 Guess I will ask Eva to go to morrow night if I can arrange it with me up to the choir dance

Thursday, February 8, 1906

I asked Eva to go to night but although she said she thought she would at first she wrote me a note later and said she did not believe she would. She had been out every night so far and was tired and did not think her mother would let her. I was disappointed. Haggerty and I used an electral machine for the stereophean at the library. It was gut but not night so gut as the gas lamp Went up the dance later. I did not have a very good time. Home at 12.

Friday, February 9, 1906

I got a letter from Cornell in which I found that I can not enter with my present subjects. So I decided to give up Cornell and work for Syracuse. Between my disappointment + my temper I had no dinner nor breakfast. 6 in of snow to day. Went up bowled a couple games 96 100 Home 10:15

Saturday, February 10, 1906

Did not sleep good last night the young man down stairs who has been sick died at 4 the a.m. Mr. Marvin came up to phone etc. I could not sleep. Mother and Inez went Cannonsville [Odin was born in Cannonsville and his mother was also born and raised there. His maternal grandparents lived there at the time.] this a.m. I stayed home all day studied etc. Went up town just once.

Sunday, February 11, 1906

Went to Sunday School after dinner I went over to Eva's and took my violin and music We had a good time playing. Rob and I had to play dents. I had to plague Eva a little as usual and when her Father tried to plague her she cried. Eva is as prim as ever. I wish she would come down just a little and let kiss or hug her just once. I don't see what harm it would do for I am no stranger to her. Home at 9. Eva read to me some from her book + told about times over to the grammar school. She had a --- joke on me because I did not know there was a certain finger for an engagement ring.

Monday, February 12, 1906

All went good to-day Had lunch with Eva at her father's lunch room. After school Haggerty and I fixed up the electric stereopticon Eva released me from my promise that I would never play 500 again; on a technical flaw I went up with Prof Toole and heard him play at the Chautauqua course after supper came home and studied till 11 and then went to bed. Eva said this noon she was not going to the Chautauqua but when I started out I met her and Edna. Eva is a _ _ _ _ good girl (This is for her benefit if she reads this)

Tuesday, February 13, 1906

Had lunch with Eva again to day and then we did German till 1:15 after school Haggerty and I put up the stereopticon at the library Ran the lamp after supper + it did not work extra fine. Home at 9. Studied till 4. Mother + Inez came home today. Mrs. Marsh was at lunch with us too.

Wednesday, February 14, 1906

Did not expect to go out to night but Edna invited Eva and I over to her house. Benj Schnider was there. We played cards a little. I as usual acted up and Eva was rather disgusted. I used three pens to write this + it looks it. Got a catalogue from Syracuse this A.M. I like their course very much. Quartette practice at 4:30 We sang at prayer meeting at the Cong Church. It was rotten. Bed 11:30

Thursday, February 15, 1906

Nothing doing during the day. After supper I went over and got Eva and we went to a Masquerade dance at the City Club. We were not masqued + so could not dance till 10. Eva could not connect with the cue in playing pool. I bowled a game 99 Had a fine time watching the people. Home on last car at Eva 11:30 Here 12. Mother and Father + Inez all went too.

Friday, February 16, 1906

Nothing but school. Eva + I did German as usual at noon. The Juniors had a sleigh ride + dance to night but the Juniors made no attention. I went up and bowled 116 Home at 10

Saturday, February 17, 1906

Did not get up till 9 this A.M. Loafed around all the morning. Did the cleaning after dinner. Geo Gump came down and we made some sodium for caustic soda by the electric method. We did not have very good luck but got some impure sodium. Inez + Father went to NY to day. We are all glad Inez has gone. Benj. Frankline said Fish + visitors stunk in 3 days. He got it right. Took a bath (for a wonder) + retired I blots

Sunday, February 18, 1906

We are alone to day and it seems good. Up at 9 Went to Sunday School and Saw Eva. She gave me a compliment. Said I was not the worst knocker in the world. Ned is worse than I. Stayed home all the P.M. Mother has the grup. After lunch I sat around a while and went to bed.

Monday, February 19, 1906

Studied like all, all day long and went to bed with a raging headache.

Tuesday, February 20, 1906

Study Study Study !!! The Quartette went over to Hoeroners this noon. After school got a hair cut and my shoes fixed. Study after supper. Bed 10 PM. Did not have time to talk with Eva any this noon. How sad?

Wednesday, February 21, 1906

Rain to day. Eva jollyed me about my hair cut, in a note, so she noticed it. We had single session took my violin lesson Quartette practice at 4. Wrote a little after supper tried to study but was too tired and nervous went to bed at 8:15

Thursday, February 22, 1906

We had our exercises to day as it was Washington's birthday. The song went pretty well. Came home and practiced after supper read and studied. Harry Barrett wrote to Eva and she showed the letter to me this morning. It was almost time for school and I could not read it so I just glazed through. Eva wanted me to write a little to Harry to put in her letter. I did and not having read his letter could not answer his questions. The Eva guyed me about not reading letters. It was not my fault for I had not time. Beat Eva at 500 this noon.

Friday, February 23, 1906

Had a lot of writing to do this noon so could not talk with Eva. How sad, went up to the City Club with Pa + bowled only made 120. Home 10:30

Saturday, February 24, 1906

Got up rather late. Had some grape fruit for breakfast the first I ever ate. Did my work as usual. After dinner Geo Gump and I went through the electric light station and the gas works. Had a great time and learned a lot stayed all the P.M.

Sunday, February 25, 1906

Rain. Went up to Burt's this A.M. and he and I fiddled. Came down at noon and went to Sunday School after dinner went over to Eva's. Had a good time except that Eva plagued me a lot. Finally I told her I would kiss her the next time she plagued me. She did as she knew I would not dare to do it in the parlor and she would not leave that room. When I left she stood there so tantalizing but I could do nothing. I was mad because she got the best of me but we'll get even.

Monday, February 26, 1906

Had a lot of fun about "having two coming" with E today. Took my lesson after school. After supper Bert, Gerald and I went up to Prouty's to a party. Bert + I played for them to dance. Home at 11:15. Bed 11:30 with a head ache as usual on Monday.

Tuesday, February 27, 1906

Class meeting to night to talk about invitations to cards. Walked over with Eva down home. She was coming to take her lesson. Studied after supper. I can not write good to night.

Wednesday, February 28, 1906

Quite cold to day. Eva Edna and I did Dutch this noon. Had quartette practice to night. One of the boys threw a bag full of water at Prof Hoover this noon but missed him. Too bad. Wrote a story and did trig after supper.