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March 9-15, 2003
Vol. I, No. II

Peas in a Pod: Islam and Women’s Liberation

Is there any religion that predatory males could embrace more tightly than Islam? The Devil’s Advocate, committed to equality as he is, first viewed the religion of Muhammad as an enemy of the modern women’s movement in the west, what with the stoning of “adulteresses” with seemingly little or no trial (is there a corresponding punishment for men? The DA believes it still takes two to tango, even in Saudi Arabia), the virtual enslavement of women under Sharia, or Islamic Law, and the fact that women are definitely second class citizens at best in your basic Islamic cultural situation.

The DA naively thought that the women’s movement would stand in opposition to the Islamic onslaught. What, after all, could be more of a challenge to women’s equality? But as time went on and the DA continued to watch American female leaders in action, the light began to dawn. Things began to make sense for the DA, for example, as he observed the valiant Martha Burke intensely campaigning on behalf of female golfers (how many of them care?) while ignoring the plight of Islamic women. The DA had hoped for a NOW sponsored golf tournament featuring BIB’s (Babes In Burkahs) at Augusta National. For a promotional stunt, Ms. Burke could have shown her solidarity with oppressed Islamic women by changing the vowel at the end of her last name from “e” to “a,” becoming Martha Burkah.

The DA has no problem with predatory males, since he believes that might makes right. Any other moral code that seeks to legitimize right and wrong is a mere creation of power hungry religionists--Christians, mostly, that seek to control others with their arbitrary codes of morality that only enslave those who subscribe to them. The Devil’s Advocate, leaning on no less an authority than Sigmund Freud, promotes the destruction of any code of ethics that violates the “If it feels good, do it” parameter.

One would think that with the expansion of the so-called women’s movement that the position of women in general, at least in western society, would have improved over the years. And yet, there is one area in which things have gotten far worse, and that is the area of personal safety, no thanks to the Women’s Lib movement has done more to expose women to male rapaciousness than it has done to protect them from it. With the rise of the predatory male has come the ascent of the female as prey, as an object, an oppressed species.

Now here’s a question: Western culture, with its abominable dependence on Christian European Males, has stood up over the centuries as a defender of women. Doubt it? One wonders which culture it is or was that has done more. Attacks on women have therefore run counter to Christian-based values.

But this is where the DA has it figured out: What if a predatory system could be created that would institutionalize the domination of women in the name of religion? What if males that had no inhibitions towards treating the conquered females as their own private property could suddenly be approved in society instead of rebuked and punished?

Good news! Islam beautifully fits the bill, the predatory males couldn’t be happier, and the National Organization for Women appears to be cooperating nicely. The DA is ashamed of himself for even being surprised.

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