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Little Amos the SFT  

My Friends

Below you'll find photos and links to pages of my friends. Enjoy the pictures, and please visit their pages to see other Wonder Dogs, just like me.

Kirby...The Yorky of the Desert
This is one of my very best friends. He lives in the NW desert of Arizona. I get to vist him when my Mom and Dad go there sometimes in the Winter. Mostly we just sniff noses. Kirby is over 20 years old, so he is very wise. If any of you outstanding canines need to know the meaning of a dog's life, Kirby's the one that would know the answer.

Zoe the Smooth Fox Terrier
She's soooooooo beautiful.
When my Mom showed me her picture it made me hop all around.

Austin's Place
Austin's the COOLEST! This is the site Mom and Dad visited a couple of years ago, and decided they wanted an SFT. Soooo, I wouldn't have this nice place to live, or my own website if it weren't for Austin.

Living With Smooth Fox Terriers
A great site, and the cyberhome of two very special SFTs...Betsy and Dakota. Also, this site contains a moving tribute to Ruby, a much loved and missed SFT. I think Ruby and I would have had lots of fun...she had SUPER ears, just like me.

Casey's Celtic Charm
Casey is my first wire friend. He loves apples and has a very interesting way of eating them. Me......I like green onions, but I just gobble them. Visit Casey's great site. You'll see he's one of a kind.

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