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A picture is worth a thousand words. Here are a few of Lambdas, past and present!



The Lambda Ladies go to the Ball.

Steph and Mel


Welcome to the family, ladies!

I'm king of the world!! er...make that queen!
(Gigi, Bridget, and Cindy.)

Group shot on the ferry!


Elena and Kalei duking it out at the Club Fair.

Show off those muscles!
(Anna, Sarah, and Mel.)

front: Stephanie, Angela, and Nina. back: Josie.

Alex and Tiffany

Alex and Cindy

Sarah, Anna, and Joanie

Mel and Jeanette at the Olympic Torch Parade.

Jeanette with the Torch Bearer running by.

Pictures from previous years:
1999-2000 | 2000-2001
Do you have any pictures from Lambda events? Please email the webmistress! We would love to share your stories!

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