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Aw geez, you be at JMuffins page.

Always brush your teeth kids!

  • Here is pictures of me! - Hey there! Heres some pictures of me!
  • Here are pictures of friends! - These are pictures of my cool friends!
  • Hershey! - My new puppy dog! He's soooooo cute! he he
  • Camp Seymour Pictures! - Pictures of Camp Seymour 2000.
  • Disney pic page! Look! - Here are pix from Disneyland 2000!
  • Here are pictures the Issaquah track team! - Issaquah track 2000 baby! We tore it up!
  • Geocities page. - Yo, this is my page at Geocities. It sucks.
  • Pictures page. - A direct link to my pictures at Geocities.
  • Me song 'o da day.
  • EARN PHATTY $$ - Yo, you can earn $$$ just for being logged on. Its cool, and you dont gots to pay nething. It wont make u rich but it'll give you a little extra $.
  • My Email! - You can Email me here, talk to me.

  • Cups are useful...

    Hey you can Mail me if you want!!! Just click here!!! <---