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The Everlasting light

Those we love must someday pass beyond our present sight...
must leave us and the world we know without their radiant light.
But we know that like a candle, thir lovely light will shine to brighten up another place
more perfect...more divine.
And in the realm of Heaven, where they shine so warm and bright,
our loved ones live forevermore in God's eternal light.


Beyond the shadows - We all feel like we are in a shadow right now, or in a valley, I am Jason's Uncle Billy Joe and Cindy ask me to share a few words. Despite what a lot of people might think, Jason is a good boy. He loved the Lord. I remember coming years ago and singing in this very church, he and Jana could rattle off scripture after scripture. He had memorized scripture he knew God's word. As we all grow up things happen in our life that we don't understand circumstances change things. Somebody ask, why does something like this happen to somebody that knew the Lord? That is a very good question to ask the Lord.

The thing that I want to share with you about Jason is that a few weeks ago he came to see us with his mom and sister and some friends in Fort Worth. What a fine young man he had turned out to be. I gave him a hard time about him putting on a little weight and picked on him but mainly loved on him. We went to church on Sunday morning after staying up half of the night on Saturday night at our house and I think the girls sang every song they knew, and he just sit there on the couch just loving every minuite. We have all been kind of seperated over the years and we haven't gotten reaquainted until that weekend. I saw a young man who had gone through alot of troubles, I saw a young man that was seeking, and you know, I beleive with all of my heart today that Jason is with the Lord because of his trust in Jesus Christ as his personal savior and yes he had made some wrong decisions, some bad decisions. On the way coming last night from Fort Worth I was thinking the apostle Paul was talking about his desire to live for Jesus and the very things he thought he would never find himself doing because he had no desire or he didn't want to do, is the very things he would find himself doing. As I shared with some of the teenagers last night, everybody in this building can identify to one extent or another with the apostle Paul wanting to do what is right but knowing the flesh was going to be the flesh and sometime would find yourself doing things you never thought you would do. I really beleive that Jason was caught between two worlds, he knew Jesus Christ as his personal savior and he knew what he should do, he had the word of God's scripture memorized in him. And on that Sunday morning in church I reached over and I told him "Jason, I love you with all of my heart, and son you have got enough of the word of God inside of you to start letting that word live through you and not be tossed around with what to do with your life. I love you and I have got confidence in you that you can make it, don't give up. There is alot of people that love you and are praying for you." he hugged me and told me he loved me. We had talked about him coming out to stay with us for awhile. That never seem to happen. And I don't understand why we are going through all that we are going through, but I do know that this is not the end.

I was talking with a young man last night and I forget his name, he is sitting right up here, and he was telling me that Jason is the reason that he ever came to church, Jason used to preach to him and tell him that he needed to get into church. And he is saved today because Jason had an influence on his life. So I know that Jason had the heart to do the right thing. All of us in here we have the heart to do the right thing but everyone of us are guilty of not being obediant to that which we know is in us to do. There is a war, the holy spirit and the unholy spirit of Satan is battling. Satan is like a lion, seeking who he may devior and he thinks that this is the end. But I want you know that Jesus is alive and this is not the end for those that know the Lord. We are going to see Jason again and I beleive he is up there somewhere if you can define where heaven is looking down on this place today. He can't go back and right the wrongs he did but I really feel like if he was here he could encourage these young people, don't do as I did. The song the girls are going to share now says when I came into this room my heart was heavy. We are all struggling just to make it through the day but somehow when we come together and begin lifting up Jesus Christ you sense an awsome presence and if you let the holy spirit minister to you then you find the pain ease up and begin to slip away as we start thinking about, we are going to see Jason again and this is not the end. Each of us can leave this room with healing for our mind, body, soul and spirit today. You don't have to leave this place in torment with guilt. Today is a day for putting the past behind us and letting the grace of god cover a multitude of sins and reach out and cherish the time that we have together because scripture says it is appointed for man once to die...
