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State Route 530

The west end of SR 530 has been shortened and the east end lengthened since SR 530 was first posted as such in January 1964. At first, SR 530 began at Jct I-5 Exit 221 at Conway and headed south to Stanwood, then SE to I-5 Exit 208 west of Arlington, then east via Arlington to Darrington where SR 530 ended.

In the early 1980s, SR 530 was extended north from Darrington to Jct SR 20 at Rockport. Effective April 1, 1992, SR 530 was dropped from the state highway system west of I-5. New SR 9 and SR 530 bridges built in the late 1990s across the Stillaguamish River in Arlington caused minor realignments to SR 530. Today, SR 530 is 50.52 miles long.

Before 1964, SR 530 had been SSH 1E.

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