Minna-san, after a couple of requests, I have resulted to adding this vocabulary page. I hope that this will be helpful when you read the fanfics. And, I apologize for the great confusion I might have caused.
Gomen nasai!!
You can easily find these and other words at this online dictionary: Japanese wordlist
Aahou - "dumbass"aishiteru - "I love you" intimate form ai suru - "to love" ame - "rain" anata - "you", or used by married couples to refer to each other ano - stammering ("uh,um") or particle, "that" ie: "ano baka" anta - variation of "anata" arigatou gozaimasu - "thank you" , polite form ashita - "tomorrow" atashi - "I", commonly used by girls and younger kids
Bbaka / boke - "idiot", "stupid", "moron"boku - "I", used by males bokken - training (wooden)sword busu - "ugly"
C-chan - title used usually for younger or children, or loved ones, a term of endearment. can mean "little" or "dear"chigao - "wrong", "false" Dda - "to be" plain formdaga - "but" / rough sounding daijoubu - "safe", "okay", "all right" dakara- "because" dakedo - "however" dame - "stop", "(you) mustn't" dare - "who" dareka - "someone" datte - "because" de - common particle, indicaties indirect object or by means of, "by" "or" "for" "at" demo - "but" de gozaru - "to be" very polite form desu - "to be" polite form dewa - "well" dojo - "training hall" doko - "where" -dono - very honorable title and polite; "miss/sir" doushite - "why", "how" Eecchi - "perverted"eh- "yes", "good" eto - "uh, um" stammering Ffutari - "two of us"futon - japanese bed, can be folded up and stored away during the day. Gganbatte - "do your best"ganbarou - "hang in there" genki - "energenic", "cheerful" gi - "japanese shirt gohan - "lunch" Hhachi - "eight"hai -"yes" hakama - "japanese pants" hanabi - "fireworks" ' haru - "spring" hen - "strange", "ununsual" hentai - "pervert", "vampire" hikari - "bright" hito - "person" honto - "really" Iii - "good"iie / iya - "no" ikimasu/iku/ikuze - "to go" irasshai - "welcome" itadakimasu - "let's eat", "bon appetite" itai - "ow"; sound of pain itoshii hito - "special person" itsuka - "someday" itsumo - "always" Jjaa - "well", "then"jaa matte/nee - "see you later", "until then" jotto - "wait", "hold on" jou-chan - "little girl", "missy" Kka - question marker; ie. "daijoubu ka?"kami - "god" katana - "japanese sword" kaoru - "sweet smelling", "to be fragrant" kaze - "wind" kendo - "japanese fencing" kenji - "hold on to" kenjutsu - "swordsmanship" kenkaku - "swordsman" kenki - "fighting spirit" kenshin - "dedication" kimi - "you", less formal, more authorative kimi-tachi - "you guys" kimono - "japanese clothing" kirei (na) - "pure", "pretty" ki-sama - "bastard"; used to be honorific title for elite, but was tarnished into bad language. kitsune - "fox" koishii - "dearest", "beloved" kokoro - "heart", "soul" konbawa - "good evening" konichiwa - "hello", "good afternoon" kowaii - "scary" -kun - title used for peers of lesser in rank. also used among friends |
Mmakoto - "truth"manjuu - japanese pastries; a rice flour steamed bun with filling (mung beans, chocolate, etc) masaka - "it can't be", "no way" megami - "goddess" minna - "everyone" mo - "also", "too" mou - "geez", "gawd" musume - "girl" / "daughter" Nnani / nan - "what"nan de/ naze - "why", "what for" ne - "right?", "hey!" nee-chan - "sister", "honey", "sweetie" ni - "for", "in", "at" / common particle nihon / nippon - "Japan" nishiki e - "drawings on rice paper" no - common particle; "of", "containing the characteristics of --"; ie. 'Kenshin no baka' Oobasan - "aunt" or "old lady"obaasan - "grandmother" ohayou gozaimasu - "good morning" oi - "hey!" oishii - "delicious" okaeri nasai - "welcome back" okaa-san - "mother" ojisan - "uncle" or "old man" ojii-san - "grandfather omedetou - "congratulations" omoshiroi - "interesting" onegaishimasu - "please", "I'm asking/begging you" oniisan - "big brother", "mister" onsen - "japanese bath" oonna - "woman" ootou - "man" ore - "I", commonly used by males; very masculine and tough oro - used when surprised or in pain, "eh?", "ow!", etc otousan - "father" oyasumi nasai - "good night", "sweet dreams" Ssaa - "c'mon"sake - "rice wine" sakabatou - "reversed blade sword" sakuseigijutsu - "implementing technique" -sama - "lord" or "master/mistress"; title used for someone higher in rank than you, or someone you really admire -san - formal title; "Mr.", or "Miss"; most commonly used sayo - "agreement" sayonara - "good-bye"; used for prolonged or pernament partings senjou - "battle", also "cleaning" -_-;; sensei - "doctor", "teacher" sessha - "I", lit. "this unworthy one" shikashi - "however" shinai - "wooden sword", also lit. "cannot do" shitekii - "cool", "attractive" shisho - "master" shitsureishimasu - "I'm being rude", "I'm leaving/entering a room" shizuka - "quiet" sou - "so", "true" soushite - "also" suki - "love" suman / sumimasen - "excuse me", "forgive me", "sorry" Ttadaima - "I'm home"tanjoubi - "birthday" tanoshii - "fun" tanuki - "racoon dog" tegami - "letter" teme - "damn you", "bastard" teruterubozu - paper ghosts people hang to ward off rainy weather; popular for Tanabata tetsu - "iron" toki - "time" tomodachi - "friend" tonikaku - "at any rate", "regardless" tori - "bird"; 'tori atama' = 'rooster head' Uuhn (intonation going up) - "yes"uhn (intonation going down) - "no" usou - "liar", "no way" Wwa - particle, "pretaining the characterists of... "wakarimashita - "to understand/know" wakarinai/wakarimasen - "not understand/know" watashi - "I", most commonly used by women, and men who wish to be also formal Yya - various meanings. sentence ender, "y'know", or greeting, "hi!"yatta - "yay!" or "hurray!" yo - "hey!" "g'morning" (shorten form of 'ohayou'); also at end of sentence means - "y'know" yoru - "night" yossha / yosshi - "all right!" yuki - "snow" yukata - "robe", "night clothing" yakuso / kuso / chikuso - "shit", "dammit" yakusoku - "promise" yamero/yamette - "stop" yarou/yatsu - vulgar referencing, maybe "asshole", "jerk" or "this person/&**&" yatta / yokatta - "good (for you)", "lucky (you)", "(I'm) glad" yoroshiku onegaishimasu - greeting; lit. "please take care of me" |