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Hi there Abby! I hope that you have nothing more important to do than read this.
Well, I took your advice and took some pictures to immortalize this fantastic adventure with facial hair that I have had the great fortune to experience.

Yes I should be sleeping...

With that however I have a question to pose you...

Ponder with me now

Which Sean do you prefer:

Normal everyday guy?

Or COWBOY Rope'n Ride'm?

How YOU doin'? Hey there purdy laedy.  YEEE-HAAAWWWW!!!

Do you think 'mom' would approve of your choice? Should I come to work dressed like that? with the goatee? hmmmm...

Sorry, I only took 4 pictures...


see the lack of belief in my face... So realistic you can feel it!

Instead, this is how I have to show up to work...

I feel naked...

Well thank you for playing humoring me for so long. I couldn't sleep last night after our amazing conversation about life's creepy crawly things so if you were bored to death by this site it's you're own fault.

It is nice to have you back though. Enjoy!

Time now... 0138...











Sorry, cheap shot ;P
