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The following is Washington State's new Writ of Mandate law that allows the state legislature to become involved when the DSHS is failing to follow it's own laws.

It sounds and looks good on paper, however we have yet to see this new law used, especially when DSHS needs policing so badly. A recent letter from us to our Senators, asking them to implement this law has so far received no response back! And they get paid how much per year?

It's a quick download, you'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read it after you download and unzip it. If you're new to computing, click on the link below, choose save the file to disk when the window pops up. The file is in zip form, which means that it's a file that's been compressed down to smaller size for use on the Internet. Keep a note of where you saved the file, go to the file, double click to unzip. In order to unzip though, you need to have an unzip utility installed on your computer. There are several to choose from, we like Aladdin Stuffit Expander Utility. It's a free dowload, and so is Adobe Acrobat.

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