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Alien Races and Religion

By Jeff Behnke

UFORCE thanks Jeff Behnke ( for this interesting article on "ALIEN RACES AND RELIGION."


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Alien Races and Religion
Posted: October 4, 1999
Written By: Jeff Behnke

I went on to the back porch today of my apartment in Chicago and watched
streams of rain pouring down and bouncing off the orange lights in the
alley. The bricks were slick, the ground was slick, and the chipped paint
around all the windows were slick. And here I was in the middle of it all,
with eyes and ears and a brain that has been given to me for who knows
what reason. 

I spent a portion of the night combing through the Dead Sea Scrolls,
looking for references to the sons of Raph, the Nephalim, and the
Watchers, the Holy Ones who came to earth and lusted after the daughters
of men and were forsaken and destroyed by the God of the Jews. I found
references to Pleiades and the belt of Orion which seems out of place if
you look at it from a religious perspective, but seem dead on if you look
at it from a UFOlogical perspective. I found an account in one of the
scrolls of a man named Lamech who was mentioned in the Bible and who was
questioning the origins of a child in his wife's womb. "Behold, I thought
then within my heart that conception was due to the Watchers and the Holy
Ones…and to the Giants..and my heart was troubled within me because of
this child…Then I, Lamech, ran to Methuselah, my father, and I told him
all these things. And I asked him to go to Enoch, his father for he would
surely learn all things from him. For he was beloved, and he shared the
lot of the angels, who taught him all things." 

And I remain troubled and confused about the meaning of this document, the
meaning of religion, the meaning of good and evil, and the meaning of
death. Because here I was, standing out in the rain, staring at these
streams and pools of water falling from the sky, the sky that I used to
have been so familiar with, but that now seems so intriguing, mystifying,
frightening, and beautiful. Because now I know that they are up there. We
have caught them on film and photo. We have thousands upon thousands of
accounts of people who have spoken with them. We have pages upon pages of
text associated with them in our libraries. The mainstream media calls
those who study them crackpots and quickly dismisses the mere mention of
an alien race. The U.S. government does the same, only to lurk along the
backwaters of the internet, behind chained fences and under mountain
terrains, studying them, learning from them, taking everything they can
from them. I don't know what to call them. But they have caused me to
stand on the porch and see everything from such an off-beat and enlivening

The universe is filled with mystery heaped upon even greater mystery. It's
one gigantic puzzle box that we hardly have even opened, let alone looked
at. We're comfortable in a world where there is one god and there is a
good and evil slant to everything that takes place. We're comfortable with
our televisions and radios and Starbucks Coffee. We can't even fathom a
life without them. And neither can I, which makes it so difficult to
accept the existence of other life in the universe. But they are here and
have been here for ages. They are written of in the Bible. They are
written of in every single religion. 

It is fruitless for any government to continue to say that we are seeing
nothing more than swamp gas, optical illusions, and satellites. Because
they can deny everything that has happened in the past century, but they
cannot deny everything that has happened over the past 10,000 years. Look
and see for yourself. I don't understand the meaning, and I may never
understand the meaning, but the truth is there, and as Jack Nicholson said
in a Few Good Men, "You can't handle the truth." He must have been talking
to me.
Jeff Behnke is a writer for the ParaNormal News Network (P3N). Please visit their web site at

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