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ONLY ONE RULE Sexual Harassment IS Encouraged and WILL be graded

Site Owner/ Painter

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If I'm not here you can find me here Lost Breeze

Feel free to locate me to =)

Guest Painters


In remembrance of those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001...... and those who might loose their lives in the years to follow God Bless our prays are with you all

Room Tard

This is LEA and TAWNIE two of my best friends in VP or anywhere for that matter . First to Tawnie without you sis there be no paint on these walls ( heheheh ) and for that I thank you . You have always been there when ever I need a talk or a smile LOVE YA SIS . Now LEA ...LoL what can I say about her . We have shared a guy, been in fights , and pretty much been there for each other . You always there when I need to bitch or just plain need soemone . LOVE YA SIS . I'll always be there for you guys plzzz NEVER FORGET THAT !!!!HUGE HUGS TO YOU BOTH *S*


AVs, BGs, & VP Stuff

PsP Stuff

This is the Complaint Department Please click below

I'm A Whining Baby

Please Email me and tell me what you think of the room
and/or any questions or comments ! TY =)
