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Wezero Zenash

Dear Mother,
You've given me so much;
you've loved me,
nurtured me,
blessed me,
cared about me,
prayed for me,
appreciated me,
encouraged me,
and you were always
there for me.

And I can only
hope that I can return
all of these
precious gifts to you.

Ur son Kenny

For as long as I can remember
you have been by my side
to give me support
to give me confidence
to give me help

For as long as I can remember
you have always been the person I looked up to
so strong
so sensitive
so pretty

For as long as I can remember
and still today
you are everything a mother should be

For as long as I can remember
you have always provided stability within our family
full of laughter
full of tears
full of love

So much of what I have become
is because of you
and I want you to know
that I appreciate you, thank you
and love you
more than words can express