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Jeremy's Webpage

Hi everyone, thank you for visiting my webpage, among Here I will tell you a little bit about myself:

I am 21 years old. I live in Spokane, Wa and I have lived here for 1 year and 5 months. I really don't like it here much, I used to live in Las Vegas, Nv. Where I lived for 6 years. I guess I just love the heat. I would like to move to Kansas where my mom is and then maybe move on to Florida where my older brother lives. Joe is the only family I have here and I thank him for being here for me. I love him with all my heart. Joe has been here for me when my mother hasn't been. Sometimes me and JOe don't get along but at times me and Joe can be the best of friends, and I know the things that I do make him made at me, but he knows that I dont mean to make him mad at all. If I ever make you so mad Joe, to where you just wanna kill me, I am sorry.

I would like to say a little bit about my cats, I have had them for about 10 years now. One's name is Sammy and the other is Tammy, Tammy is the cat that I have grown onto. I love her with every ounce of my soul. I miss her a great deal. I haven't seen her since Dec 13, 1999, when my mom and her boyfriend, Russell decided to move to Kansas, with my sister and her boyfriend. I have so much to tell you, just very little time to do it. Maybe next time when I get the chance to have more time to write a little more, I will. I need to go now. But thank you, and please visit my pic page, located below..

Note: This page is under construction!!

Jeremy`s Pic Page