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Chain Mail

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Chain mail

With the current growth in interest in the Middle ages and Knights, I have decided to bring you a web page where I can show you my wears. I have been makeing chain mail for over 5 years and enjoy doing so. Most of my work is made with galvanized 14 guage wire and has about a 3/8 inside diameter on the rings. I am working on getting one other picture of a piece I have with a copper cross in the center of the chest. But at the present time I am short on space and need to shrink both of the pictures. If you are interested in any of the chain mail that I make please feel free to contact me. I would love to make some chain mail for you if you would like. For a list of what I can offer send your name and address to me and I will reply. Or tell me what you might be interested in me trying to make, I will try anything.


The Coif is a head cover worn by itself or under a helmet. The one that I have made weighs aprox 6lbs. The young girl above is wearing it and believe it or not it fits me. It tapers out at the shoulders and has one opening for the face.


The Jerkin is used to cover the torso or main part of the body. The current models that I have made are both short sleeve shirts but am working on a long sleeve shirt. I have built a shirt with a copper cross in the center of the chest. At first it was just for fun but it turned out rather nice so I kept it.


This is where it gets interesting. I have made a few brassiere and also have a pair of drawers to go with one of them. I am also trying to make a pair of gauntlets but hands seem to be more complicated than I had originaly thought. I am currently trying smaller rings as they seem to be more flexible and feel much better when you where them. I just went on a trip and wile I was bored in the hotel on night I made a neck tie. This is something that will get you a second look at any meeting or restaurant. I also make chainmail dice bags. They can be used for other uses also such as change bags or odds and end can be kept in you pocket or purse in them. They are currently made from 1/4 I.D. 17 gauge galvanized wire. If you whish they could be made out of copper or stainless steele. Or just about any other metal known to man (that comes in wire).

I have just started to also try and make different weapons out of chain mail. I have built two flails out of both the 1/4 I.D. 17 gauge, and the 3/8 I.D. 14 gauge wire. The 14 gauge wire is stronger and does more damage but I am still perfecting the process.

I am willing to try anything that you would ever need in chainmail. I will build it to your specifications (if they are possible) and to your likeing. Please feal free to just write me and ask questions if you are not interested in the items that I make. I would be happy to explain what I do.

Here is a new picture which I am still working on.
Check out some of my other Pictures


My most rencent addition is the crafting a the blade. I am currently working with a couple designs. I have started a blade in wood and plan to build it in stainless steel, that is if I can find some that is not to overpriced. I have learned one thing about the crafting of a bladed weapon and that is that it is time consuming and does tend to cost more than you planned for. I am working on uploading some more gifs for my page so keep checking in and you might see some more of my work.

If You think that you want to try some of this on your own please feel free. I do have just one suggestion. That would be check out some of the books such as.
  • Arms and Armor
  • Knife Digest
    I started out looking at book and look where I am at now. I would suggest checking any one of these out and hew know maybe you will learn to make chain mail or blades as I have. Search Page

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    Other great chain mail pages
    Sara's chain mail page is one of the best if not the best that I have seen on the net. The Chain mail store where I have some items for sale

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