Read in Love

Wednesday, July 10, 2002
The current Babble-17 book is "Declare" by Tim Powers. I've only just aquired it and I can already tell I'm going to have a difficult time getting very far in it. Power's has a complex and multi-layered way of telling a story which makes it difficult to follow unless you are paying close attention. I suspect the satisfaction of reading will come sometime near the end of the story.

I zoomed through Lemoney Snickett's "The Bad Beginning" and "The Serpent Room". Very enjoyable, even when they repeat somewhat in style. I borrowed these books from Purple as well as a "difficult reading" book he recommended called "The Crypto-Amnesia Club" by Michael Bracewell, so I'm going to finish the "difficult" book before I polish off the next Lemoney Snickett book, "The Wide Window".

The list lengthens...!

Tuesday, July 09, 2002
1. Snowcrash by Neal Stephenson, seminal Cyberpunk novel
2. Peter Pan by James Barrie, seminal children's novel of the twenties
3. Hyperion by Dan Simmons, science fiction
4. Wormwood by David Levien, fictional indictment of Hollywood and absinthe addiction
5. Perdido Street Station by China Mieville
6. The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson
7. American Gods by Neal Gaimon
8. The Bad Beginning by Lemoney Snickett
