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Resist and Survive

I think it was George Washington who said that when government is controlled by the people, it is man's greatest tool; when it is not, it is man's worst scourge. Does anyone seriously believe the government is currently controlled by the people?

The Wolf and the Dog
Why I Have No Children
This is What Democracy Looks Like
Why We Need Punks
No Consequences

Parents' Rights in Demopolis, Alabama

External Links:

Project NoSpank --the online headquarters of Parents and Teachers Against Violence in Education (PTAVE)
James Dobson vs. Violence-Prevention Professionals --James Dobson is world famous for his writings on "family values." See how they stack up against those of violence prevention experts.

Parenting in Jesus' Footsteps -- The Lawrences have worked for years to stop the sale of spanking paddles and other implements for hitting children. This website is "A resource for gentle Christian parents and other caring adults."
Spare the Rod, Don't Hate Your Son -- I hate to come across as doing too much self-promotion, but here, one more time, is the link to my new book.


I am accepting emails, unless the spam gets too bad.