As Soun is recovering from the shock, Akane and Ranma have a "little match" in the training hall. As they are fighting, Ranma dodges and jumps out of the way of Akane's kick's and punches. The match ends when Ranma flips over Akane, and taps her on the shoulder. Akane realizes that Ranma is no ordinary girl.After Genma turns back into his human, form, he and Soun talk about what has happened. While that is going on, Kasumi insists that Ranma take a hot bath and get cleaned up. As Ranma is getting out of the shower, Akane (fully undressed) is walking in. Akane then flips out and proceeds to scream about the "pervert in the bathtub", and then Ranma walks out to entroduce himself. "I'm Ranma Saotome, sorry 'bout this."
Then the Saotome family, and the Tendo family sit down to hear the story of their curse. Genma starts the story:
It was two fateful weeks Mt. Quanjing, Bayankala Range, Qinghai Province, China
"Here, sir. Is legendary 'Training Groud of Accursed Springs," The Jusenkyo Guide said. "You very strange one, no, sir? This place very dangerous. Nobody use now. Is more than one hundred spring here...and every one have own tragic legend!"
Genma and Ranma start fighting anyway. Ranma knocks his father into the water, and instead of his father coming back up out of the water, he see's a Giant Panda.
"That is 'Spring of Drowned Panda'! There is tragic legend, very tragic of Panda...who drown there two thousand year ago! Now whoever fallin that spring...take body of panda!"
Then Genma, in his Panda form, knocks Ranma into another spring.
"Not 'Spring of drownded girl'! There is tragic legend, VERY tragic, of young girl who drown in thousand five hundred year ago! Now whoever fall in that spring...take body of young girl!"
Soun, who pronounces Ranma's problem as "isn't so terrible after all!", then offers his three daughters for Ranma to choose from for his fiancee: Kasumi, 19, Nabiki, 17, and Akane, 16. Kasumi and Nabiki nominate Akane, using the logic that "You hate boys, don't you?" states Nabiki, and then "So you're in luck! He's HALF-GIRL!" Kasumi chimes in. Akane, flabergasted at this, yells that she'll never marry "That Pervert" and as they continue arguing Genma and Soun chuckle about what a perfect couple they are already. The argument ends between Ranma and Akane, when Ranma states that he's seen himself naked in his girl-form as well, and he's "Built better to boot!". With that, Akane picks up the table and smashes it ontop of Ranma.
The next day a reluctant Akane accompanies Ranma to their high school, Furinkan High......and that's where the trouble really begins...