This section is about the Japense version of Sailormoon. Below are summaries of each of the seasons.
Tsukino Usagi is an ordinary girl who saves a cat with a crescent moon on its forehead on her way to school. At home, after she has failed a test, she meets the cat again in her room. The cat, surprsingly, can talk, and she introduces herself as Luna. Luna gives the dubious Usagi the ability to transform into Sailormoon, the pretty sailor suited soldier of justice.Sailormoon is faced against the Dark Kingdom, consisting of Beryl, Metallia, Jedite, Nephrite, Zoicite, and Kunzite. Her mission is to protect the world while finding the Moon Princess. She finds allies in Tuxedo Kamen, a mysterious masked figure, and the other Sailor Senshi that she later finds in four other girls: Ami/Mercury, Rei/Mars, Makoto/Jupiter, and Minako/Venus. Minako has a male cat, Artemis.
Usagi's main life crisis consists of her problems with Chiba Mamoru, a cute, but annoying college student. He is really Tuxedo Kame, but he doesn't know it until later. Halfway through the season, the seven rainbow crystals must be discovered, which produce the ginzuishou, the silver crystal. Usagi and Mamoru discover each other's identities when they are trapped together by Zoicite. Usagi is the true Princess of the Moon, and Mamoru is her lover, Prince Endymion of Earth. Usagi receives the ginzuishou, but Mamoru is kidnapped and brainwashed by the Dark Kingdom.
After a whole bucn of filler episodes, Usagi, Ami, Rei, Minako, and Makoto must confront the Dark Kingdom, learning about their pasts on the moon in the process. In episode 45, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus all die trying to protect Sailormoon. In episode 46, Mamoru gets his memories back, but dies saving Sailormoon. Sailormoon then defeats Beryl and Metallia as Princess Serenity, then dies, since if she uses the full power of the ginzuishou (which she did), she will go kapoot. At the end of the episode, all the girls and Mamoru come back to life, but without their memories.
Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon R (Return/Romance)
The first arc of Sailormoon R is what is known as the filler arc. That is, the plotline doesn't happen in the manga, but it's in the anime to let the manga catch up. Usagi regains her memories after Luna revives them when a new enemy force shows up. The enemies are Ail and Ann, two aliens who take engergy from the humans on Earth to feed the Makaiju. Ail and Ann pose as two students, Ginga Seijuurou and Ginga Natsumi, brother and sister. The plot becomes strange as Ail and Ann are really lovers, yet Ail fails in love with Usagi, and Ann falls for Mamoru.The other Inner Senshi regain their memories, but Mamoru still doesn't. Instead, Tsukikage no Knight, a new ally, appears wearing a ridiculous white turban, to save girls. Sailormoon gets her powered-up transformation; the Inner Senshi get powered-up versions of their old attacks.
Eventually the Makaiju reaches the point where it takes over, attacking Ail, Ann, Mamoru, and Usagi. This is where Usagi reveals her identity to the aliens, and Mamoru remembers his past. Tsukikage no knight is actually a part of Mamoru's soul. Ail and Ann become healed by Sailormoon, and they go off back into space.
The second arc of Sailormoon R is the more interesting portion. In this arc, Chibi-usa arrives from the future to find the ginzuishou to save her mother, Neo-Queen Serenity, in the future. The new enemies are the Black Moon family, consisting of the Ayakashi Sisters and the main family members. Usagi and Mamoru split up in this arc, thanks to visions Mamoru recieves from his future self, King Endymion, warning him that he must stay away from Usagi or else she will die.
The Black Moon family is after Chibi-usa and the ginzuishou. However, the Ayakashi sisters fail, and they are healed by Sailormoon after they are betrayed by Rubeus (and in Beruche's case, her older sisters as well), and they become normal women. Chibi-usa eventually discovers the Sailor Senshi's identities, and Usagi and Mamoru get back together. Chibi-usa takes them to the future to save her mother. There, they meet another new senshi, Sailorpluto, the gaurdian of time (though actually they met her before, but now it's in person).
To make everything short, Chibi-usa is the daughter of Usagi and Mamoru in the future. The Black Moon family are exiles from Crystal Tokyo, the Utopia of the future. They want to take over Earth and live there. However, they are being used by Wiseman, or Death Phatom, for his own purposes, though they don't know it. Chibi-usa becomes Black Lady, and evil villainess, upon being brainwashed by Wiseman. Usagi and Mamoru together make her remember her real self, and then Chibi-usa and Usagi fight Wiseman with the two ginzuishou, one of which Chibi-usa possessed all along.
Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon S (Super)
In Sailormoon S, th enew enemy and the new Sailor Senshi search for the three Talismans, which, when brought together, calls forth the Holy Grail, which gives the holder, the Messiah, the power to save or destroy the world.The new Sailor Senshi are Tenou Haruka, Sailoruranus, and Kaiou Michiru, Sailorneptune. They're lovers and high school students, and they are friends with the Inner Senshi up until they discover each other's identities. (The Inners have a sort of hero worship for the older girls.) Haruka and Michiru are extremely dedicated to their mission, and willing to sacrifice each other to find the Talismans.
The enemies are the Death Busters. They are led by Tomoe and Kaolinite; they're basically crazy scientists bent on finding the Talismans, which are sealed in pure heart crystals that some people posesses. They use daimon eggs to create daimons to attack people and take the heart crystals.
The blood gets pretty complex, as Rei recieves visions of the Silence, which will happen in the Talismans are in the hands of the Death Busters, and which Haruka and Michiru want to prevent. It is discovered in epeisode 110 that Haruka and Michiru actually have the Talismans inside of them, and in episode 111 that Meiou Setsuna, Sailorpluto, has the third one. The Holy Grail is formed, which Sailormoon uses to become SuperSailormoon.
Tomoe Hotaru arrives in episode 111, and she becomes friends with Chibi-usa. Hotaru is the daughter of Tomoe, and she is cultivated to have an entity, Mistress 9, live inside of her. Hotaru, upon swallowing Chibi-usa's heart crystal, becomes Mistress 9, a Death Buster. However, Hotaru eventually defeats Mistress 9, becoming Sailorsaturn, the final Outer Senshi. In the end, Saturn and Sailormoon defeat Master Pharoah 90 (never really shown on screen), the main villian, and bring peace to the world again. During all of this, Sailormoon's Holy Grail is destroyed, Hotaru becomes a baby and is returned to Tomoe, who is good again, and the Outher Senshi all leave.
Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon SuperS (Supers)
Pegasus come sto Chibi-usa, asking him to help her. He is wanted by the new enemies, the Dead Moon Circus. Pegasus has the Golden Crystal in his horn, which the Dead Moon Circus, composed of Zirconia, the Amazon(ian) Trio, Amazoness Quartet, and Neherenia, want. The first villians to appear and the Trio.Pegasus gives Chibi-usa and Usagi new brooches to transform directly into their super forms, as well as powers that they can apparently only use when they call Pegasus. Pegasus also eventually gives the Inner Senshi the abilities to transfrom into their super forms as well. The Inners don't get their new attacks until after the Amazoness Quartet shows up, however.
Pegasus is hiding in the Dream Mirror of a host, and in order to find him and take his crystal, the Trio is ordered to search the dream mirrors of people of Tokyo. They do so, failing each time, except that Fisheye finally discovers that Chibi-usa is Pegasus's host. However, do to talking to Mamoru and Usagi, he realizes that he has no dream mirror, and it's eventually revealed by Zirconia that the Trio isn't human. The Trio are ordered to attack Usagi (who Zirconia thinks is the host), but while doing so, a lemure is sent to kill them. The Trio helps Usagi after her Dream Mirror is broken, giving up their lives to do so.
The Amazoness Quartet appears after that with the same mission, only this time targeting the Golden Mirror, which is a bit more specific and indicates that Pegasus is hiding it. After more searching and failing to find it, the Inner Senshi and Quartet confront each other after the Quartet decides to do mass Dream Mirror gathering. The Senshi then invade the Dead Moon Circus, and Chibimoon is kidnapped and Pegasus finally captured, his Golden Crystal taken. The Senshi then have it out with Nehernia, and so on, Moon and Chibimoon gain possession of the crystal thanks to the Quartet, and more stuff happens, so eventually Neherenia seals herself up into a mirror in order to remain beautiful and leaves.
The season ends with Pegasus, who the Senshi discover is really Elios, guardian of Elysion and Endymion, leaving, and the Quartet becoming normal girls.
Biahoujo Senshi Sailormoon SailorStars
The first arc is really good. in it, Neherenia returns, under the control of Galaxia, which you don't know u ntil much later on. Neherenia seeks revenge on Usagi and the Sailor Senshi. The Outer Senshi return, and all of them revieve their power-ups from Hotaru, who grows up rapidly. Mamoru becomes brainwashed and kidnapped by Neherenia. Sailormoon gets her new form, Eternal Sailormoon, and she goes after Mamoru. The Sailor Senshi follow, but they become kidnapped by Neherenia in mirrors; Eternal Sailormoon saves them. It turns out that Nehernia really wanted a friend and was lonely, so she gained beauty from a mirror, but once she discovered that she couldn't remain beautiful, she turned evil. She returns home, where she wakes up as a small child having a nightmare.The second arc introduces Galaxia and the Animamates, who are after the star seeds of the Sailor Senshi. The Animamates target people who they think will have the light of the star seeds, but they always fail. All of them discover the identities of the Senshi, but all of them die before they can actually reveal this information to Galaxia.
The Three Lights, an idol rock band, appear in Tokyo; they are really the Starlights, the new Sailor Senshi. The Three Lights are male, but transform into females. They goal to find their Princess, whom they do find much later.
Mamoru leaves to Harvard for a year or so in a plane, but it turns out that while in flight, Galaxia came and took his star seed. In the meantime in Tokyo, Chibi-usa has gone home to the future, and in her stead, Chibichibi arrives, posing as Usagi's little sister after brainwashing Usagi's mom. She has the chalice, which she uses to help Princess Kakyuu come to Earth. She also gives Eternal Sailormoon her new power-up and is revealed to be a Senshi.
Eventually, the Sailor Senshi must confront Galaxia after Princess Kakyuu, who arrives to save Usagi and Chibichibi from Tin Nyanko, ahs her star seed stolen and dies. The Inner Senshi are killed, their star seeds taken. Neptune and Uranus turn evil, in an attempt to try and trick Galaxia, and they kill Pluto and Saturn. As they turn on Galaxia, she kills them. Sailormoon, Chibichibi, and the Starlights are left, and actually the Starlights do pretty little in the battle except protect Sailormoon.
Galaxia and Sailormoon in episode 200 go one-on-one, and Chibichibi reveals herself to be the hope of Galaxia's star seed. She transforms into a sword for Sailormoon/Princess Serenity to destroy Galaxia, but Sailormoon refuses to use it. Sailormoon finally wins the battle by using the goddess left inside of Galaxia, and Galaxia becomes good again once she rids herself of Chao's influence (who was the enemy who had possessed her). Everyone comes back to life. The Starlights leave, and everything goes back to normal.
Character Descriptions