Real Name: Serena
Age: 14
Birthday: June 30
Sign: Cancer
Likes: Eating, playing video games
Dislikes: Pop quizzes
Hobbies: Shopping
Special Strengths: Loyal Friends
Favorite Food: Peanut butter and jelly, ice-cream
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Animal: Rabbits
Favorite Subject: Music
Serena is a clumsy, ditzy 14 year old girl who gets terrible grades in school. She loves to eat, and sleep. She also likes to read comic books, and play video games. She whines a lot, and cries a lot. . .but by the end of the series she was more tolerable. Serena and Raye are constantly bickering with each other about something. But nonetheless, Serena is Sailor Moon, leader of the Sailor Scouts and the Moon Princess.
Sailor Mercury...Brilliant Fighter
Real Name: Amy Anderson
Age: 14
Birthday: September 10
Sign: Virgo
Likes: Books, class
Dislikes: Practical jokes
Hobbies: Computers
Special Strengths: Smart Strategist
Favorite Food: Sandwiches
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Animal: Cat
Favorite Subject: Math
Amy is a very intelligent 14 year old girl. She loves to study and is an over achiever. She's taking special computer classes, and her usual test scores aren't anything below 99%. For a brief time, Amy had an admirer a Crystal Heart Carrier named Greg. Amy is always very serious, and approaches most everything with a scientific, intelligent approach.
Sailor Jupiter...Energetic Fighter
Real Name: Lita
Age: 14
Birthday: December 5
Sign: Sagittarius
Likes: Romance novels
Dislikes: Cheaters
Hobbies: Cooking
Special Strengths: Strong Athletic
Favorite Food: Cherry Pie, meatloaf
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Animal: Horse
Favorite Subject: History
Lita is a strong, agressive 14 year old girl. Lita has lots of boyfriends, and almost every guy she sees reminds her of an old one. She likes to cook, clean, and other household things. Lita is the tallest of the five girls, and the reason she wears a different school uniform than the rest of the girls is because they didn't have a uniform in her size. As a Sailor Scout, Sailor Jupiter takes the initiatice and doesn't ever give up.
Sailor Venus...Dynamic Fighter
Real Name: Mina
Age: 14
Birthday: October 22
Sign: Libra
Likes: Sports, dance
Dislikes: Show-offs
Hobbies: Playing games
Special Strengths: Leadership
Favorite Food: Any pasta
Favorite Color: Orange
Favorite Animal: Birds
Favorite Subject: Gymnastics
Mina is a fun-loving, caring 14 year old girl. Before joining the Sailor Scouts, Mina was fighting evil as Sailor V (who just happens to be Serena's idol). She loves playing sports, and gets along well with children. Mina is the nicest of all the girls, and the easiest to get along with.
Sailor Mars...Passionate Fighter
Real Name: Raye Hino
Age: 14
Birthday: April 17
Sign: Aries
Likes: Meditation
Dislikes: TV
Hobbies: Reading
Special Strengths: Dedication to Causes
Favorite Food: Vegetarian pizza
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Animal: Panda
Favorite Subject: Classical literature
Raye is a very strongwilled, independent 14 year old girl, who lives with her grandfather at Cherry Hill Temple where she's training to be a priestess. Raye is a very spiritual girl, and she has learned the art of reading the sacred fires, and gets strange feelings when something bad is about to happen. Raye, like her attack, has a fiery temper, and doesn't put up with being annoyed. She and Serena are constantly fighting, and arguing, but if you look closely, most of the time, Raye is the one igniting the arguments.