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Norse in bloodbowl

Hall of Fame



World Ranking List


Book of Glory

Last Game:

Tobaro Buccaneers vs Altdorf Alligators 3-1


New freelance system

The old league system and the NBL has bin dropped due to lack of interrest, and there will now be formed a bloodbowl organisation build up around different titles ( ex: The Zorn Uzkul hardcore divison title ), bringing an enormous individual freedom to each team owner. Organisation name and opening day has not yet bin desited.


[Tobaro Buccaneers][Altdorf Alligators][Asuryan Rattlesnakes][Morten Undead][Pavelon Panthers]





Bloodbowl is a copyright of Games Workshop, and this site is not made with any intentions of offending them at any point.

Games Workshop

This site is created by Per Roe

NBL banner by Per Roe

NBL Logo and background by Johannes Kristjansson