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    Years of hardship and debate have left Earth somewhat unsettled. The need for defense from further alien attacks is clearly needed, and the REF was created to solve that problem at its core. Earth has been left in the capable hands of Leanard's Armies of the Southern Cross while the valiant Robotech Expeditionary Force, reborn from the remains of the once powerful RDF, pushed it's way to Tirol, the home of the Robotech Masters.

    The arrival was one of great surprise, when the humans discovered the Invid laying waste to Tirol instead of finding the Robotech Masters on their homeworld. The SDF-3, appeared to be a Zentraedi ship, and the Invid immediately attacked it, severely damaging its drive systems in the resulting battle, making a return fold to Earth impossible. A group of refugees, hounded by the Invid and escaping from their imprisoned homeworlds came to the humans and pleaded for help in freeing their civilizations from Invid tyrany.

    Human politicians wanted nothing to do with it, insisting that peace agreements could be reached with the Invid, and starting a war with them would be unwarranted. None the less, the military commanders had the final say and okayed a group of humans to accompany the extra terrestrials on their journey, ordering the SDF-3 to remain behind with the rest of its crew and mine the needed ores to reconstruct the fold drives in order to make return to Earth possible again. Rick Hunter and several other various staff from among the REF ranks were then transfered to the XT ship and the Valivarre class ship Aldebaran to begin their liberation of the occupied alien worlds...

RPG House Rules | REF Armory | REF Recruiting Office | REF Personnel Records

Kyle's Web Site | Ryan's Web Site | Sabin's Web Site | Ariel's Web Site
Max's Web Site
| Robotech Continuum: The Sentinels Campaign | ROBOTECH: Reference Guide

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Robotech (R) is the property of Harmony Gold. This document is in no way intended to infringe upon their rights. This site is based off of characters and events taken from the McKinney novels and the television series.