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Golden Trout

Golden Trout: Rare and elusive, the Golden Trout inhabit some ofthe most remote lakes in the United States. The Golden Trout is one elusive species of trout. Golden Trouthave very limited range, as they are only found in high alpinelakes and streams found in the Rocky Mountains and the Cascades.Because of this, reaching good Golden Trout waters is no easytask - usually requiring a long hike or horse pack in. Additionally, due to the environment in which the Golden Troutlive in (very cold, low nutrient water), Golden Trout aregenerally quite small, as there is just not enough food tosupport larger trout. Despite the relatively low fishing pressure they receive, GoldenTrout can be somewhat difficult to catch, as they tend to befickle about what they eat. Moreover, not all high alpine lakes and rivers contain these trout - so simply locating waters that have good Golden Trout populations can be an effort in and of itself.

That said, since Golden Trout live in the most beautiful scenery in the United States, a day spent looking for or fishing for Golden Trout can never be wasted - even if you don't catch any.For an angler looking to catch trout in a splendid and scenic environment, chasing the Golden Trout is the way go.

It's hard to miss a Golden Trout, as their name conveys. These beautiful trout are golden in color, so are hard to mistake for other types of fish. The Golden Trout also has a scattering of black spots and a red striping along its lateral line, belly and gill plates.

Since Golden Trout are not very common, it is recommended that anglers who catch Golden Trout release them instead of eatingthem. If you're looking for a fish you can eat, go hook some Brook Trout instead. Brookies are usually found in the samewaters as Golden Trout are, but are not nearly as rare. Most agree they taste better too!
