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A Day of Discovery

I never knew true beauty untill that day. It was a bright spring morning as the clouds wandered peacefully throughout the sky and the birds were serenading in the budding emerald trees, as if they knew what special occurence today clutched in it's future.

I was working in my mother's garden, a young girl of fifteen tending to the rows of flowers and shurbs, when suddenly I was overcome by a compelling urge to take a forest walk. It was almost as if I was being summoned. I quickly shook that last thought out of my head, telling myself that it was silly, and the only thing that came close to summoning me was the refreshing shade offered by the canopy of foliage. I set down my trowel, took off my gloves, and headed towards the trees.

The forest was absolutely breathtaking, and the cool air was a nice contrast to the muggy un-shaded heat of the garden. As I walked a marveled at the orchestra of bird songs, a concert was being performed above my head. Once in a while I would catch a glimpse of these versatile musicians, a flash of red breast or a spark of white in the green overhead.

Everyonce in a while, I thought I'd hear a compelling melodic tune float through the woods and pass my head, but I'd merely dismiss it and tell myself the stop imagining things, it was silly. Even so, the music had seemed so real...Then, as if on que to my thoughts, the haunting tune resumed it play, but this time instead of ignoring it, I decided to follow it.

Through twisting and turning forest I followed the music as it gradually increased in volume. I inituated that the soft tune must have been played on some kind of reed pipe, or flute, and as I was contemplating this I stepped into a large clearing in the forest. As I did so, the music abruptly halted. Startled, I jerked my head up and looked around.

I was standing on soft green moss which encompassed the clearing floor, and in front of me ran a crystalline stream, which almost seemed to sing with joy. I slipped my feet out of my shoes and delicately placed them on a tree stump. I proceeded to walk alongside the creek untill I came to a pool which it fed. It looked relitivly deep, and extremely clear and refreshing, so I decided to take a dip.

I gingerly removed my clothing and while doing so darting looks at the surrounding trees to see if I was being surveyed. I slipped into the calm waters, still feeling as though I was being watched, and marveled at how clean and crisp the water was. It felt wonderful against my skin!

I romped in the pool for quite a while, untill I began to feel as if I was being watched again. I sat in the water, dead silent, listening for anytrace of movement. Just as I was beginning to relax my guard, my ears detected a sound. Only a snap of a twig, but that was enough to tell me that I wasn't alone. Someone, or something, was in the clearing with me.

My body imediately stiffened, and I prepared myself to run at any moment. I didn't know if the thing was of any threat, but there was no reason not to be careful.

I hauled myself over the pool bank, when I found myself viewing the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen as she stepped into the clearing from out of the trees.

At first glance, I thought she was a horse, but then I noticed that her hooves were pure white, like snow, and clefted. Her fur was a silvery white, and lamost seemed to glow. There were tufts of silky white hair above her hooves at the back of he legs, and under her chin. Her mane was long and full, and her tail was alike to the mane. Her face was soft and elegant, a picture of equine beauty. The most singular and defining thing about her though, was the ling, spiraled silver horn that extended from her forhead. I could almost feel the magick the pulsed and radiated from it.

Ears pricked forwards, she didn't seem to notice me, but them I moved. Her majestic head slowly turned towards me, and now I could look into her eyes. They were deep blue, with twisting strands of white folding around a black pupil. These ribbons of pale looped around her iris, creating a pattern that reminded me greatly of a snowflake.

I was mesmerized. This was totally and utterly the most breathtaking sight of my entire life. There, standing before me, was a unicorn!

I clambered out of the pool and slowly walked towards the beast. As I came closer my excitement grew. Soon I was standing only a foot away from her. I stood like that for a while, gazing into her beautiful, unique eyes, untill I reached out my hand and laid it softly on her cheek.

As soon as my hand came in contact with her, I felt a nearly overwhelming surge. I wasn't quite sure what it was, but I was sure that it wouldn't harm me. The silvery fur was extremely soft, and I rubbed and stroked her face, basking in the event. This creature was so majestic and pure, so divine and magickal, it was the most amazing experience of my life.

We sat like that, my hands stroking her face and neck, for quite a while. Then she turned to me, and I looked into her eyes. I them felt that same surge I had felt when I first touched her. Then she spoke to me.

She asked me how I could live me life knowing that there were others of my kind out there suffering, cold and hungry, while I sat warm and fed, content in my home. I told her that I didn't know, and she turned to me, and laid her horn softly upon my head. I then saw the errors of my ways.

From that day on I have devouted my life to those less fortunate. For it is that that a unicorns magic has the power to conform, to open eyes, to make see. I was fortunate enough to have this great gift of dight granted upon me, and my life has been better ever since.

Please tell me what you think of this story.
