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1) Nancy Christiansen - Lebanon, Oregon
I have been having regular channeling telephone sessions with Charles for about 7 years. The guides Charles channels have given me hope and encouragement in times of transition, as well as helping me gain greater confidence in myself. They have given me insight on my health, work, and family and helped me create a higher vision for my life.

2) Methow Food Alliance - Twisp, Washington
A useful and enlightening tool for business. Helpful, a good outside perspective.

3) Laura Lee Mistycah - Spokane, Washington
Charles Lightwalker is one of the few healers I have met that is truly balanced, and even more unique, is that he “walks his talk.” I am very particular about who I have work on me, but knew in a few minutes that I had found a healer that really knew what he was doing and how best to facilitate my healing. His work on me was phenomenal, and I got some immediate results. I highly recommend Charles and believe that in addition to all his healing abilities he is truly one of this planets “Modern Day Knights.”

Charles & Serena
1) Sue Harris - Wenatchee, Washington
Charles and Serena have been very beneficial to me in helping me along my spiritual journey. With their knowledge of energetics and healing and their connection to higher spiritual sources, they intuitively have been able to bring information and clarity into my life. Their integrity allows me to fully trust the process and the outcome.

2) Laura Lee Mistycah - Spokane, Washington
The joint sessions I had with Charles and Serena was extremely powerful and beneficial to me. I really needed the deep tissue massage work that Serena did, the Shamanic "pulse" treatments of Charles, as well as the energetic healing work that they do synergistically. I felt the intensity of their love and compassion toward me as they both united to help me in some of my darkest hours. The balance of their male/female energies focusing on me was quite an experience, as there was no power struggle, only a focused intent to assist me and put me back into equilibrium. They are high level healers, with much knowledge and expertise. I am very particular of who I go to for healing work, and I felt that I was in very competent hands with both of them. They also use the Aulmauracite Rock to help with their healing sessions, which is a tool that I find extremely valuable to me in my work as well. I highly recommend their treatments. They are experts in their field.

3) V. M. D. - Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
I have been having regular sessions with Charles and Serena at the Rambling Rose in Coeur d'Alene. Charles channels while simultaneously Serena does healing work, and the combination of the two increases the dynamics and energy of the session. I always leave the session with greater insights and clarity as well as feeling wonderfully relaxed and nurtured. They have a high level of integrity, love, and knowledge and I highly recommend their sessions.

4) Linda Burr - Troy, Montana
Serena & Charles have been close to my heart and being for many years. They have assisted me with powerful and spiritual healings with encouragement, love and light. They are always encouraging, full of live and spirit to myself and to others. I always feel safe and secure with them and their knowledge. They are trustworthy and walk with the light of love all around them. My healings have always been enlightening, loving and powerful. They have the intuition and spirit of assisiting others to fulfill themselves to their own highest being.

5) Ken Peacock - England
Dear Charles, I am truly grateful for the channelling session and wish to send you this testimonial. I would like to congratulate you and your guides for answering the numerous prepared questions on a variety of subjects and for the quality of the tape recording of the telephone session supplied. We have never met and only spoken briefly over the telephone before the session, therefore we knew little about each other. The carefully thought out questions were on a variety of subjects for which I had been unable to obtain answers from normal sources. They were from my quest in search of the Truth from the secret teachings of all ages. Most people would not understand my questions, let alone have answers. The answers I received were precise, definite, certain and scientific; beyond my expectations. But how can this sort of material be verified? One answer which I thought was an almost impossibility was confirmed in a letter the following day. Unbelievable! For those on a similar quest I would highly recommend Charles and the channelling from his guides.

6) Candey
Charles has been truely given a great gift. At first i was very skeptical, I told him nothing and he pinpointed everything about my deceased loved one. The cassette i received of the reading has definatly been a conversation piece. I feel if anyone is in need of some peace and reassurance of a deceased family member or friend this is the person to contact. If you have any questions you can contact me at my email. Thank You so much for the reassurance that there is life after death. You will always have a friend. Candey