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Charles and Serena work together or individually doing Progressive Healing Treatments. This involves various healing modalities that are combined, depending on individual needs. Techniques include Aromatherapy massage and facial work, Reiki, Channelled Progressive Stretching techniques, and Spiritual Healing (chakra balancing, tuning forks, releasing past life issues, etc.).


Aromatherapy is a healing art which combines essential oils with various massage techniques: Swedish massage (relaxes the body, improves circulation and lymph drainage); Neuromuscular massage (deep tissue working on nerves, tendons, ligaments); Shiatsu (assists energy to flow freely along energy pathways, called meridians); Reflexology, (foot pressure-point massage).
Essential oils are extracted from a wide range of plants and herbs. They are carefully chosen and blended for each individual and blended by the Aromatherapist with 100% pure vegetable oils. Inhaling them affects the olfactory system. They are also absorbed through the skin and circulated by the blood.
The benefits of aromatherapy are both subtle and profound. Benefits range from improving relaxation, energy, detoxification, as well as enhancing general health. An aromatherapy treatment focuses on the individual as a whole. Every level of one’s being is addressed, including body, mind, emotions, and spirit. For more information on aromatherapy click here.


Essential oils are blended for calming, antiseptic, and rehydrating actions for specific skin conditions, such as sensitivity, oiliness, or dehydration. Oils can be used to assist the healing of sinuses, headaches, and other conditions of the head and neck.
The treatment begins with massage to the back, allowing a greater flow of energy. The face is cleansed and toned. A face, neck, shoulder, and scalp massage improves circulation, lymph drainage, and muscle tone, leaving the skin refreshed and relaxed. A facial mask is applied to remove impurities, while the hands and feet are massaged. Toning and moisturizing the skin completes the treatment.
Luxurious and sublime, this treatment enhances relaxation, healing, and transformation. It lasts for 1 and 1/2 hours.


Reiki is a Japanese word representing Universal Life Energy. Reiki’s gentle hands-on technique, when applied and activated, accelerates the body’s ability to heal and assists in improving one’s overall vitality and well being.
Charles and Serena are also available to give Reiki attunements and to teach Reiki.
Reiki Attunments: Level 1 - History of Usui Reiki
Hand positions for self healing
Giving treatments
Level 11 - Symbols, their meaning & use
Long distance healing
Master & Teacher - The master Symbol
Reiki release method
Giving & teaching Reiki


Progressive Stretching Techniques are used when it is intuited that specific areas of the body need stretching to induce a release of stagnant energies trapped in the tissues. This is combined with using the breath and releasing old emotions to create greater balance within the individual's energy field.


The healers assist individuals in understanding that their attitude and emotions have the greatest effect on their energy field. Intuitive techniques are used to scan and interpret the individual's energy flow and blockages. The healer then utilizes visualization, channelled energy, harmonically balanced tuning forks, Aromatherapy, and creative suggestion. Healing energies are directed to induce the most beneficial effect on the energy field to assist with Chakra balancing, the release of past life and emotional issues, as well as other interdimensional benefits.

A serene and peaceful atmosphere, with soft lights and soothing music, enables an individual to relax, and let go. Empower yourself, with self-love and nurturing, to feel, release, and blossom in your timeless and magical journey of healing and creative conscious evolution.


Charles and Serena conduct workshops on Progressive Healing Techniques, which provide a wide range of skills in various healing modalities. The workshops are laid out in 3 levels to help people progress and improve their skills.

You may wish to serve as a host or organizer of a workshop in your area. Charles and Serena are available to travel to your area to do workshops if the appropriate arrangements can be made. A minimum of 8 people are required for this to take place.


Aromatherapy massage $20 - 1/2hr; $50 - 11/2hrs.
Aromatherapy Facial $60 - 11/2hrs.
Reiki $45 - 11/4hrs.
Spiritual Healing $60 - an hr.
Workshop rates are $50 if paid in advance and $65 at the door.


* Progressive Healing Techniques and Progressive Stretching Techniques are Copyrighted by The Family of Light, 2001