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Team Members Page One

Welcome to Latigo 'n Lace Team Members Biography Page. Your chance to get a little info on your favorite members and their likes and dislikes. Hope you enjoy this and the other biography pages (check them out too!).

Jessica Newcomb

I'm 9 years old, in the 4th grade and live in Battle Ground, WA. I love horses and riding fast! HORSES ARE MY LIFE! This is my 2nd year with LnL and I ride an Arab named Prince Valiant. I'm a member of "Let's Get Spotted" 4-H group and was elected President. This will be my 2nd year showing at the Clark County Fair and my 1st year to game and show and ride in Green Horse. I would like to thank Andy for "never giving up on the Short Program, Joan for teaching me my right from my left and for being PATIENT, Erin for yelling at me to keep me safe and teaching, Dad for always taking my horse and putting him to bed after drill and feeding, Uncle Tom for making our truck safe for my Mom and me and putting lights on the horse trailer and my Mom for taking me to drill and helping my team. When I grow up I want to be a vet, a horse trainer or a stunt rider in the circus or movies.

Kara Reeves

Hi, I'm 14 years old and this is my first year on Latigo 'n Lace. My horse is Beagle. I would like to thank Joan and Andy for their support and leadership. I love everyone on the Team and it has been fun to be around.

Laci Dyer

Hi, I'm 16 years old, live in Vancouver & attend Lewis & Clark Alternative HS. I have been riding horses for 4 years and this is my 2nd year on the Team. I joined LnL because I thought it would be fun and a horse related activity. I am also involved in drama, basketball and soccer. I'm a member of the City Slickers Horse Club. My family consists of my parents, 9 year old brother, 5 horses, 2 goats & 1 sheep. I work at Petsmart, volunteer 1 afternoon a week as a tutor at Minnehaha Elementary and an afternoon a week at a physical therapy facility. I'd like to be a physical therapist or vet. A special thank you to my mommy, my grandparents, Lindy and all by buddies at L&C Alternative HS.