Quiz Kids Challenge

Host: Jonathan Prince
Announcer: Johnny Gilbert
Lifespan: Syndicated- September 1990 to December 1990

PREMISE: It's kids versus adults in a game almost as fun as Trivia Trap.

Play: The team that won the last game got first choice of eight categories on the board. Each category is made up of three $50 toss-up questions. After all three questions were asked, the team who got more questions right picked the next category. One category on the board was the "Triple Play," and had one question worth $150.

Round two was "Double-or-Nothing." The board was loaded with eight new categories, starting with a $50 toss-up. Once answered correctly, the team could either bank the money, or risk it for $100 or nothing on the next question. If they went for it, only the teammates that didn't answer the toss-up were eligible to play. If someone got the $100 question, the remaining player could go for $200 on the last question. If the controlling team bobbled a question, the opponents could jump-in and steal the category.

Round three was the 100 second challenge. The board had four categories, and whoever got the last question picked the next one. The host picked the first category. Questions began at $50 for the first 25 seconds, and increased in value to $100, $200 and $400 in the last $400. The team that won the most money got to keep it, and returned the next day, presumably up to five. Most winning scores were between $1250 and $1750.