Mall Masters

Host: Chris Harrison
Lifespan: Game Show Network, 11:30 AM GST, 2001

Premise: Guess the most popular answer to a survey question to play a follow-up question related to a store in the mall.

Play: Chris reads a survey question along with the three choices offered. Players may ring in when Chris finishes the question. Players are trying to guess which of the three options was given by the largest portion of the survey group. A wrong answer means that player is knocked out of the next question. If two people are knocked out, the third player gets a survey question uncontested.

The player who first gets a survey question right then chooses one of four stores featured in the Mall of America. A person waiting outside that store is asked a question with four choices. The studio player can score 100 points by correctly giving the answer. The mall player gets a $50 gift certificate if his answer was correct. The used store is replaced, and this is done until four stores are played.

Then, the points double for the next four questions.

Finally, the game comes to a conclusion in the Lightning Round. Three choices are given, and players buzz in to answer. Right answers win 100 points, wrong ones deduct 100. Most points after 90 seconds goes for $5000.

The winner is given the store for the bonus round, and up to nine two-choice questions. A right answer wins a point, a wrong answer gets a strike. Seven right before three wrong, $5000. Otherwise, $100 is awarded for each right answer. Three new players play each day.